I am a demi-human

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My Name is Shirou emiya at least I think it is people refer to my legend as the nameless king of swords because I was so proficient with All types of sword except divine constructs the only the exception was Avalon and Excalibur The latter would kill me  if I used it even once but nonetheless I could still trace it but anyway i saved a lot people.

but I lost what made me human my emotions by losing Sakura rin illya taiga and artoria by losing them Avalon started to fuse with my soul and I no longer was human my appearance changed I had long white hair a tanned body and I could not age after all my body was made of unlimited swords So with this The faeries gifted me the nameless sword of salvation the precursor to all holy swords even older medorach. Gilgamesh was Unhappy but that's a story for another time anyway by using the sword I was able to save the planet and humanity from the Ultimate ones but I lost even more of my humanity but the troll zelretch himself came to me but I didn't know why.

he said do you want to go to another world to become a hero ? That was something I haven't heard in a while I had forgotten about it the wish to become a Hero of Justice but although it was small something inside of me wanted to try it  to be hero again. so I shook his hand before I was knocked out he said that I was going to be Reincarnated as a demi-human 'What'. was the last thing I said before I passed out.

Those split seconds felt like an eternity by the time I woke up  I felt younger, smaller and weaker my appearance changed once again I felt ears on top of my head I had a tail    this was strange and  I had white hair golden amber eyes and pale skin like when I was younger. but one thing that did not change was My inability to feel emotions but that did not matter cause someone was next to me she looked like me except it was long light brown hair and she looked malnourished and was crying. So I traced Avalon and implemented it inside her. Its warmth calmed her down and she stopped crying. This life was going to be strange but  I will make the best of it to become a hero once more

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2023 ⏰

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