Life aint always beautiful

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I've learned that life won't always go the way you want it too. People you think you'll have forever may leave, a family member may pass away. The start of a year, that you thought was going to be the best year ever, started badly.

You're Uncle passed away, you're best friend left you. And in those moments you think the world is just against you, you cant understand why something like this would happen to you when you had already been through so much. You finally found a friend, someone That stuck around, someone who tried so hard to make you laugh, make you smile, to make sure YOU are ok.

That same person, hurt you. That person you thought would always be there wasn't. But there comes a light.

You go some where, and see an old friend. And that friend, helps you. Gets you through that hard time. Makes it easier. That friend, is the friend you've always wanted. Someone to tell you it'll be ok, give you a hug, and simply Just be there. In that time, you see what's around you, you see you're true friends. You get closer to that best friend, your fishy. The person you pushed away. You start to smile again. Life starts to get better, you feel yourself again. You have, you're bad days but who doesn't. You got through it, that's what matters.

You don't know what's gonna happen in life, you have no idea. But in those moments of darkness always comes a light, that light will help you and guide you out of there.

Life isn't always beautiful, but it sure is a beautiful ride.

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