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Btw before we start this idea is from MultiShipperAndStan so go check out there book also some if not all the name for the groupchat are from that creator

"Aled Last made a group chat named Bonjour"

"Aled Last added Nick, Charlie, Tao, Elle, Tara, Darcy

Tao: Aled what is this?

Elle: Yeah Aled why are we in a groupchat?

Aled: it's a groupchat for the gang!

Nick: Oh okay

Charlie: But Aled we have like 6 other groupchats

Aled: I know but we needed another one

Charlie: No we didn't we have like 15 of them that are dead

Aled: Exactly so this groupchat isn't going to be dead

Elle: Yeahh.. Ok

First chapter!!!!!

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