I Tried Hard Not to Miss It (Everything I Couldn't Be)

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Title from: Tell Me a Joke by Quadeca. Click the arrow above for the moodboard!

38k words, 3rd Person from Yuta's POV

Relationships: Yuta/Jaehyun, Johnny/Mark

Summary: Yuta has always been acutely aware of the beliefs society has of him as a male omega, how could he not be when his mother taught him what it was from the second he presented?

Yuta is a male omega. A male omega attending a college for only alphas and betas, a male omega who has been taught from presentation how to act like an alpha well-enough to not raise suspicion and how to tamper down any omega instincts he has that aren't already stopped by all of his suppressants.

Yuta has successfully hidden his entire life, both in Japan and now in Korea for college, but he knows it only takes one mistake for everything to change. He knows how crucial it is to stay on guard at all times, or else everything he's worked tirelessly for could end.

It would only take one person who knows and shares his secret.

It only takes one alpha to know, and to shatter his life.

Alt Title: The Unjust Downfall of Nakamoto Yuta.

Warnings: A/B/O, Omega Yuta, Alpha Jaehyun, Alpha Johnny, Alpha Mark, Beta Doyoung, Beta Taeyong, omegas with pussies, Bottom Yuta, Top Jaehyun, Angst, Unhappy Ending, Rape/Non-con, Loss of Virginity, Revenge Porn, Explicit Sexual Content, Non-con Blowjobs, Trauma, Blackmail, Forced Orgasm, PTSD, Forced Exhibitionism, Humiliation, Name-Calling, Slutshaming, Sexism, Discrimination, Depression, Mental Breakdown, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, JohnMarkDoTae are good friends

Note: This is an au specifically surrounding dehumanisation of omegas, yuta is treated like shit (excluding his friends), jaehyun is a garbage fucking person, there is 1 extended scene of rape, 2 showing non consensual bjs that are less explicit and scenes showing the direct aftermath of rape but not the act itself. The story literally centre's on Yuta's reaction and trauma due to the rape, it is crucial to the story, check out if you cant handle that.


Yuta swallows breathlessly, a red solo cup in his hand holding some liquor that he's barely taking sips out of.

One, because it's cheap and far too strong, and Yuta's alcohol tolerance may be okay but it is certainly not good and he has class tomorrow.

Two, because if he were to knock back a whole cup—heaven forbid more than that—of this, he would lose some control over his actions and that is not something he can afford to have happen.

Yuta has far too much riding on being in control at every moment of every day to throw it away for a drink.

He shouldn't even be here. Parties are a terrible place for him and he knows it, but for some reason, he'd been convinced by Mark that this party was "gonna be different from the other ones you've been to!"

It wasn't, and Yuta wished he hadn't come because he could be at home studying and he hates being here anyways.

There are so. many. alphas.

It's a given. There are alphas everywhere. In fact, almost all of the college was alphas. There was such a small amount of this college that was betas and Yuta knew this, he dealt with them all every single day and he'd like to think he'd grown somewhat accustomed to spending every moment surrounded by a bunch of them, but he was decidedly not , and parties were more cramped than anything else.

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