The Beginning.

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It all started many years after the original Fairy Tail. None of the characters that we know and love exist in this world anymore. The records of them are now found in history books. It was the day that Max Rayland Hail was born. He was born into an average house hold with typical parents, well typical for this world anyways. Both his mother and his father were skilled mages that left both of their respective guilds to lead normal lives. Max's mother was an Earth Mage named Clarissa, while his father could manipulate plants; his name was Jonathan. Both were well respected when they were professional wizards and members of a guild known as Arch Angel. It was one of the top 20 guilds in Fiore, but sadly it was completely obliterated a year after Max's birth by a dark guild known as Vengeful Demons.

Okay so shying away from the dark guild for know, since they have a large involvement in his life later on and we don't want to ruin it, let's get back to Max. From a young age he was always quite intelligent be could walk by the time he was 6 months old which surprised both of his parents greatly. He was talking a month after that, even though it wasn't full sentences and only a word or two, he could talk nonetheless. He was reading by the time he was two and could write by the time he was 2 and a half. Max was a child Protege when it came to knowledge and expanding upon his own intelligence. His parent we're proud of him every step of the way and his intelligence got him noticed in the small town they were living in at the time. Do to news about their original guild's destruction, Max's parents worried about his safety, so they would move every few months or so to stay in hiding and protect their son from possible harm. This however did not last long. A month after his third birthday Vengeful Demons had managed to track them down. A large battle ensued but eventually resulted in the death of both his parents. Luckily for him one of the neighbors had managed to protect him under the request of his parents before their untimely demise. Now because he was so young at the time, he would never remember them the way he should have. After his parents death he was placed into an orphanage by the neighbor who had protected him while his parents fought the dark guild.

6 months after being place in the orphanage, Max was adopted by a seemingly, lovely young couple who wanted to have children but sadly couldn't conceive a child of their own. He was happy to have a family again but would be greatly disappointed in the end.

The people who had adopted him were actually members of Vengeful Demons, who had been sent to get a child from an orphanage that gave off a large amount of magical energy. They had chosen Max because he had what they had been looking for, which was not a good thing for Max in the slightest.

The ultimate goal to Vengeful Demons was that they wanted to have a child "learn" how to use lost magic, specifically Arc of Time, so they could use him to accomplish at destroying the people around them. When they first brought Max in they forced him to read many books on Arc of Time with Gale Force Reading Glasses as to finish reading them sooner. After reading all the books which took only a few hours they would hook him up to a machine and try and force his body to accept the magic which caused him great, unimaginable pain. When finished, when he couldn't use the magic, the dark guild strapped him to a chair and began to beat him with whips, chain, knives, swords, pretty much anything that would leave a mark, they even used their magic to electrocute him and burn him. They said "this is what you get for being a useless child who doesn't deserve to live. But if you learn the magic it won't happen any more but if you fail we will do it again." By the time the beating had been over blood oozed from each wound that covered his body. Long jagged gashes burned red from heated blades that had cut him. Burns were interlaced between each cut and bruises mixed in with the carnage. He could hardly move from the amount of pain he was experiencing. This happened every day for four years, the scars covering him from head to toe, until one day he finally succeeded in absorbing the magic that was brutally forced into him. That day was the first day that he was not beaten, that day the guild had praised him and rewarded him with a feast and anything that he wanted to drink. It was the only day in his life from that point on that wasn't deplorable.

After finally getting his magic he learned how to control it. Once he did the dark guild started using him for Evil. When Max refused the beatings would start again and the members of Vengeful Demons would refuse to feed him for a week. After which he would blindly do as they told him, so that he wouldn't have to deal with the abuse again. But eventually the antics of the Dark Guild became even more deplorable and each time that Max would refuse, the torture and starvation would start up again.

Many of the crimes that Max was forced to do usually involve speeding up the erosion to bank walls so the guild could steal money in the beginning. After that they became more violent and he was force to use his magic to harm others. In one such instance a member of Vengeful Demons set fire to a forest and a nearby town. Max was forced to speed up the flames and the damage that they caused. In the end hundreds of people had been killed. Very few survived in that fire and those who did were left alone and without family. He was 16 at the time and he hated doing it but he was afraid to be tortured again. It was at this point in time that his hatred for the dark guild finally started to stake hold.

Three years passed and Max's rage had finally reached it's peak. One day he finally snapped and began to attack everyone in the guild. Once he was powerful and could reverse time, the counterattacks were useless against him. It was also at this time that his true magic began to surface. Because of his mother being an Earth Mage, Max was able to use it it make a huge hole in the ground beneath several of the members of the guild and used his Arc of time magic to seal the holes over the mages that fell in. Because of the magic he used and how he never remembered his life before the guild, he figured it was just a natural part of his magic. After the battle the guild was no more and Max was finally free from their tyranny.

That is the end of part one of two. The next part is his journey around Fiore making a name for himself as a good guy. Right now I am too lazy to continue writing since this has taken me three hours so far.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2015 ⏰

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