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I want to thank Rylan for letting do this! Go check out their Channel :D ( if the link don't work just copy and paste it to the search bar and you will get to their channel )

I do suggest to watch their videos first on it before reading this, since it might be confusing not too. 

★★★★3 person pov ★★★★

Giyuu fell to the floor, he was in a open Forest with the daylight sun still out. He quickly stand up look around. 'What just happened?!' He was just walking though the Forest for a Mission before Suddenly getting teleported to a Castle and so many different places. But the thing that stand out the most was...

'Sabito...' Giyuu start shake, slowly walking over to a tree he lean on it before sitting down. He felt tears coming down as he hug himself. He was there... right in front of me. Breathing Giyuu hide his face in his knees, tears coming down like a waterfall. He felt so cold so empty just like before...

He stay there for a while, just crying to the point where he have no more tears left. He rub his eyes a bit before Looking up 'It turning night soon... how long have I been crying?' As Giyuu question himself, he can hear leaves crunching not far from him. With a low growl. 

'Shit, a demon! Am not suited to fight yet, I need to leave' Giyuu Quickly stand up, hearing the leaves crunches coming closer he started to run in the opposite direction. He jump into the night  sky and land on a tree, he skillfully jump from tree to tree getting as far away from the demon. 

'I need to get back home-' Giyuu suddenly teleported falling on his face he look up to see a other Forest, the same one from his mission. As giyuu catch his breath he pick himself up, sitting on the ground he finally gets to think. 

Now Giyuu wouldn't call himself smart but he does know that 1: no way in hell someone will also have this power 2: he wasn't teleported to a different place because one Sabito is alive even though Giyuu saw him die and two it look like he move though different time Period. 

'So... I can move though time?? No what am I thinking, I say insane...but how Else would I have seen sabito' and if he remember correctly sabito call him *my highness* wish no way that can be Giyuu since he never become a king. God love to torture him don't they... (of course I do :D ) 

So that only leave out "dimensional travel..." Giyuu read about but he didn't thought it can happen much less to him. 'I need to figure out what the fuck is going on to me-' 

"KAW KAW GIYUU TOMIOKA, DEMON UP AHEAD!! *crow dying sound here*" 

Giyuu nod as watch the bird fly away 'Maybe I should retire the poor bird, god I don't feel like doing this... let get over it' Giyuu sighs as he started sprinting 'I just have to figure it out later...' 

Giyuu pull out his katana before he started running fasters, he catch up with his bird. Going though the Forest at a fast pace "it going to take all night to find this demon Won't it" Giyuu said to himself as he jump to a near by tree. He look around before jumping on a other tree, this continue for most of the night. 


The demon head fall to the floor as Giyuu put back his katana, looking up at his crow to see it sleeping on a breach. "Kanzaburo?" Giyuu call out making the crow to wake up "AM UP!!" Giyuu just nod before continuing what he was saying. "Can you tell master I that I finish this mission, also put a request for a one week break?" 

The crow just nod before flying off, Giyuu look at the sky seeing it turn day. 'I should get home now... maybe I can use my powers to get there?' Giyuu started walking, he noticed that that the power didn't work when he was fighting with the demon and now. 'Maybe I need to think of a place? I want to go to the water estate-' 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2023 ⏰

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