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I stayed outside for a while, sitting on a tree trying to calm myself down.
'I'm not weak...I hope he learned his lesson'
After about thirty minutes of thinking on a branch I climbed down nearly slipping on the way. As I walked inside I saw Ben glued to his game but he gave me a quick glance and snickered.
"What?" I looked down at my body trying to see if there was like a leaf on my clothing or maybe even a bug.
"Oh nothing..." he replied with a smug smile on his face
I walked up to him and stood in front of the television
"Hey! Move..." every time he leaned over to see the television I scooted over to block his view.
"Tell me what's funny?" I crossed my arms across my chest.
"Why should I? I know you know..." he trailed off looking for his phone "where is it--ha found it!" He looked at the screen until he set it down, bitting his lip."You sure you want to see this?"
"Yes! Show me! Unless it's something-"
He cut me off waving his hand in the air
"No!'s not that bad but for you...hehe yeah" I stepped forward and snatched up the phone.
I looked at it and it was a video. I hesitantly pushed the play button.
The video showed a door opening into a room and it was...Jeff and I...kissing on a bed.
I turned off the IPhone and looked at Ben.
"What was that?!" I practically screamed
"Shush up man... it's called black mail-" I jumped on top of him and straddled him with a tight grip around his neck
"Delete it" I said in a deep erie voice.
He moved his head to left then to the right a little indicating he was shaking his head 'No'.
I tightened my grip around his throat and when I did he bucked his hips and it sent me flying onto the couch. He picked up his phone which I dropped and blew the dirt off and looked at me.
"You like Jeff"
"Maybe I do maybe I don't"
"I am trying to help you"
"And how are you?"
He took in a deep breath in a deep breath out and pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration.
"Okay you do what I say or I show Ye old no face this video...kapish?" He said as he stood up.
"I'll do it but I'm not doing anything that evolves me being used as a slave in ANY YOU understand?" I raised my hand in a fist and said "we got a deal homeboy?"
He pounded it and said "deal".
Jeff's POV
I was in my room laying on my bed carelessly twirling one of my many knifes between my finger when someone knocked on my door.
"Who is it?" I said not taking my eyes off my knife.
"Doesn't matter. Come eat" sounded like Jane...
"Bitch..." I murmured under my breath as I laid my knife on my nightstand and walked out my room.
I feel terrible for what I said to (y/n) earlier but live and you learn
As I reached the bottom of the stairs everyone was in the living room, passing around a hat.
"What's going on?" I asked Ben who was collecting things from people "did you do a backflip and they're tipping you for it? Or did you sit and stay like a good boy?" I said in a baby voice and ruffled his hair in a mess.
He grunted and pushed my hand off his head to fix his hair.
"No we're playing 7 minutes in heaven now put something in the hat before I kick your shin" he glared at me and I just laughed.
"Okay Benny boy, just cause you said so...and Jane said there would be food, where is it?" I rubbed my hands together.
"She lied to you, now give me something to put in the hat!" He pushed the hat towards my chest and I stepped back a bit.
"Okay! Damn Ben!" I put one of my mini two inch knives in there.
"Now was that so hard Jeffey-kins?" He said mocking my voice. I rolled my eyes and pushed him out the way making my way over to the recliner I love so much it has a dent where I sit.
"Okay! Let's start the always, ladies first! (y/n) how about you?" She shook her head but he inched the hat towards her slowly.
She sighed ,closed her eyes, and reached in grabbing a...

Hai I am the new author but all rights and go to the original owner! This book isn't MY original so I won't call it mine.
Sorry I haven't updated it my wattpad was being a butthole;-; and I don't like buttholes;;;-; lol but :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2015 ⏰

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