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Mumbo's pov

I was working on a xp farm when I noticed Xisuma telling every hermit to meet at spawn, that he had a announcement

I was glad he interrupted what I was doing. I could really use a break, I thought.

I grabbed my elytra and some fireworks making my way to spawn, not bothering to clean up, thinking it was just a quick thing.

After flying for a while I see spawn and a few of the other hermits talking to each other and waiting for everyone else to arrive so we can start.

I go off and talk to Doc about some new red stone designs as more and more hermits arrive.

X walked up to the front with someone behind him as he tried to quiet everyone down, a boy peeks out from behind X.

My eyes grew large and my palms started to sweat

I suddenly regret not cleaning up. I quickly wiped the grease and sweat of my face with a cloth I had in my pocket trying to look presentable enough for the sweet little golden boy hidden behind X.

He had golden blond hair that looked wild but it suited him. I wondered what it would feel like; I bet it's soft.

I continued looking over him, finding more and more to admire about him. He's perfect. Doc tapped on my shoulder asking if im ok saying I was spaced out, I assured him I was fine and looked forward as X was talking about the golden boy. My eyes shimmered as I learned more about him, the golden boy who's name I learned is grian shifted to look us over.

He had honey brown eyes that shimmered with curiosity, when his eyes landed on me he put a hand over his mouth and looked like he was stifling a laugh. I frowned. Does he not like the way I look? Is there still grease on my face? Is my hair messed up, a million thoughts ran through my head as I tried to find out what he'd been looking at when a hand brought me out of my thoughts once again. "Mumbo, grian said he likes your mustache, said it reminds him of his cat" X said suddenly standing in front of me with grian still behind him hanging on to his belt, he was shorter up close. I hadn't realized I had been staring until grian poked me and pulled his hand up for me to shake "Hi! Im grian, good to meet you,mustache man" he said, smiling at me. I shook his hand and internally fanboyed at how cute this boy was, I cleared my head and instead decided to give him my name and offer a stay at my house till we can get him a house built "Pleasure meeting you grian, im mumbo; would you like to stay at my house until we get you a house built I believe it would be a great bonding experience. It would also give us time to get to know each other?" I posed it as a question and his face shifted from a smile to a thinking face, it was quite adorable "I would love to mumbo, let me get my stuff from X-eye-zuma" he said I chuckled as he ran off trying to find X, he can't pronounce it right apparently. After he gathered his things we began walking towards my house chatting about all things we could do on hermit craft

His laugh mesmerized me and I couldn't take my mind off him, I felt as if I had to protect him from everyone and everything never take my eyes off him

I led him to my house and got him all situated by the time night fell. I got him a bed ready and he passed out as soon as his head hit the pillow, I could hear his soft snores all the way in the hall where I stood, I was thinking about the day's events and grinned softly at all the fun we could get up too

My breath quickened and I placed a hand on my heart feeling the fast paced beat. As I watched the little birdy sleep I knew I had to protect him no matter what, I had to keep him near me at all times he was my life from now on.

Nothing else matters, nobody else mattered and nobody would take him away from me.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2023 ⏰

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