~~ lists pov ~~

           it started out as a normal day. I woke up, got dressed, ate breakfast, brushed my teeth, and then headed out the door.  I got onto my bike, I rode to school. it was so much better than my parents driving me. when I got to school it was normal I went to first period which was language arts and then second period and so on. it was lunch that really started this whole story. 

    I sat down at my normal table with my friend Ella and my other friend Eric. they are dating, unfortunately. I sit across from walking PDA every day so half of the time I just go to the gym and sit on the bleachers instead. actually, a lot of people in my school do this.  she was one of the people who would go out the gym door to go and smoke. One day I just got the urge to follow her. 

   I sat next to her on the bench. she went to hand me the cigarette.  what I said next is so lame "No, thanks I don't think smoking is very good for me..." she rolled her eyes and just went back to smoking. "What are you doing here?" she asked. I mean what was I gonna say? I have a hallway crush on you and I followed you out here to stare at you... thank god that is not what i said I actually said "I wanted to start smoking I guess..." She stared at me not saying a word until she finally did "You just said smoking is not very good for you."

 I paused, she was right but that was the only excuse I could think of. "I changed my mind" She smiled and handed me the cigarette. when i inhaled I of course caughed my lungs out. but when I did she gave me this look of confusion. "you know I've never seen you before." I sigh and look disappointed this is a conversation I was kind of wishing to avoid. "well in this school my status points are very low i don't have many friends and I'm like the geek of the school..." When I said this she looked away like she was trying not to cry. "that hits a little to close to home." she chuckles but I don't get it.

 at this time the bell rang. it was the end of lunch and it was now 7th period. 


how do you guys like this first chapter

lmao this chapter took 3 days to write because i was lazy... <3 

also i write on my computer so no emojis for you :(

Geek born to bleedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora