Star Trek Fanfiction List

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The Dominion War (TOS)

Lost Horizons (Set after Star Trek III: The Search For Spock)

Star Trek ENTERPRISE: New Horizons. (Set during the Romulan War; circa 2157.)

The Visitor Saga: Civil War (story arc) (Post-PICARD)

The T'Brixi Crisis (TMP era)

An El Paso story arc (Century-class) (Post-PICARD)

Some mix and match stuff of Nebula, Sabre, Ambassador, Centaur, and Galaxy class missions.

A DS9 Dominion War story arc involving the USS Maranello

A post TMP story arc involving the USS Enterprise, USS Pacific, and the USS Reliant on various missions

USS Galaxy storyline

A Kelvinverse tribute to The Next Generation series

(Series set in the 25th century: With the USS Enterprise-J.)

Star Trek Preserver
Star Trek: When Lions Roared
Star Trek: Star Road

Star Trek: Fallen Angel (Set after THE UNDISCOVERED COUNTRY--2297.)

Star Trek: War Gods (TOS)

Star Trek: Red Dawn (TOS: Set after the events following "The Tholian Web.")

Star Trek: Albany (Set one year before Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan.)

Star Trek: Bajor (follows the TNG episode "The Wounded"--with the USS Midway. (Nebula-class starship.)

Star Trek: First Flight (set in the year 2297. USS Paraguay. (Constellation-class starship.)

Star Trek: Lake Heron. (Nova-class starship/TOS Era.)

Star Trek: SCE: Galileo (Set at the beginning of the Dominion War. (A Sovereign-class starship. (USS Galileo.) And two Saber-class starships.)

Star Trek: War Zone. (Set just before The Dominion War: Deep Space Nine episode; "Rules of Acquisition".) 

Star Trek: Independence. (Stardate 62214.5: April 6th, 2386.)

Star Trek: Frontlines (DS9; set after "Inferno's Light".)

Star TreK: Terran Empire (Omnibus edition. Set after the invasion of the Vulcan fleet.)

Star Trek: Inferno's Light (Set a month after the DS9 episode "In The Pale Moonlight": Stardate 51859.8; April 19th, 2375.)

(No ships or story plot bunnies has been generated at this time. But rest assured...? I'll think of something--as I pants my through everything not nailed down.)

Star Trek: The Mirror Universe: Reflections of Destiny. (Set between Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan and Star Trek III: The Search For Spock.)

Start Trek: IceFire. (Set during the
Vanguard book series--published by Pocket Books 20 years ago.)

 Stardate  1321.7. USS Anchorage: Constitution-Class.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2023 ⏰

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