The first and last part

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Once upon a time, in a world filled with mystery and darkness, young Jeremy, the son of Jeremy Fitzgerald, found himself facing a relentless questioner. This questioner, eager to uncover the truth, approached Jeremy and asked, "So, are you ready to begin questioning?"

Confusion clouded Jeremy's mind as he tried to make sense of his surroundings. "Where am I?" he asked, his voice trembling with uncertainty. The questioner, taken aback by Bonnie's question, attempted to steer the conversation in a different direction. "No, that's not what I-" they began, but Jeremy's desperation grew, and he interjected, "This isn't home... Why did you take me away?"

With each passing moment, Jeremy's distress intensified, and he repeated his plea over and over again, "Why did you take me away from my home? Why am I gone? Where are my friends?" The questioner, recognizing the pain and confusion within Jeremy's words, felt a pang of empathy. They gently reassured him, saying, "Alright, let's go back to the questions we have. Is it correct to assume you're the missing child, Jeremy?"

Jeremy's voice, heavy with grief, replied, "Jeremy is dead." The questioner, their heart heavy with sorrow, responded softly, "Yes, I understand." But the weight of Jeremy's pain became too much to bear, and he could no longer contain his anguish. "But Jeremy doesn't exist anymore! Jeremy died, cold and alone when he was supposed to be warm and happy. Jeremy died when the purple man dragged him away and gouged his FUCKING throat out! Jeremy died scared and alone, crying and in so much pain!"

The questioner, overwhelmed by the intensity of Jeremy's outburst, tried to offer comfort and understanding. "Yes, I know-" they began, but before they could finish, Bonnie, consumed by his anguish, screamed, "I'm not Jeremy anymore!" Tears streamed down Jeremy Fitzgerald's face as he witnessed his son's pain. He, too, could no longer hold back his own grief, and he burst into tears.

In that moment, a profound sense of sadness enveloped them all. Jeremy Fitzgerald, the father, wept for the loss of his son's innocence and for the horrors his child had endured. He wept for the pain he couldn't protect him from and for the life that was taken away far too soon.

The questioner, filled with compassion, approached Jeremy Fitzgerald, offering a comforting presence. Together, they shared in the sorrow and the weight of their shared loss. In their tears, they found solace and understanding, a bond forged through tragedy.

Amidst the sorrow and heartache, Jeremy Fitzgerald vowed to protect those who remained. He would fight to uncover the truth, to bring justice to those responsible for his son's suffering, and to ensure that no more children would fall victim to the purple man's cruelty.

In that room, as the tears continued to flow, a resolve was born. Jeremy Fitzgerald, fueled by love and grief, would not rest until he had found justice for his son and for all the innocent souls lost to the darkness of Freddy Fazbear's Pizza.

And with each tear that fell, Jeremy Fitzgerald found strength. He would honour his son's memory by fighting for a world where children could be safe and happy. The questioner, now a partner in this quest for justice, stood by his side, ready to lend their unwavering support.

Together, they would uncover the truth, expose the darkness that plagued their lives, and ensure that Jeremy's story would not be forgotten. And as they embarked on this journey, Jeremy and the questioner discovered that they were not alone in their pursuit of justice. Others, too, had been affected by the sinister acts that had taken place at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza.

They formed a group, a united front against the darkness. Each member had their own story of loss and pain, their own reasons to seek answers. They shared their experiences, their fears, and their determination to make things right.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2023 ⏰

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just a random story about Jeremy and in my AU jeremy Fitzgerald Jr. Where stories live. Discover now