if you are uncomfortable

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Kaitlin:when she sees you uncomfortable  she gives u her teddy bear that she carrys around  and says u can have it even tho she eventually  sak for it back

Kelly:if she sees you uncomfortable  she will just do the same as her sisters bf Marutoshi (just pretend  they are not dating in this)but ask you if she can

Marutoshi:when he sees you uncomfortable he picks you up yeets you to his car(they are all 10 so this u can put them as teens or something)and drives away

Tomrutoshi:when he sees you uncomfortable  he dows the same as his brother but just asks you like Kelly

Nora:when she sees you uncomfortable  she goes up to you and picks you up bridle style and keeps you like that until u looks not uncomfortable  anymore

Mia:when she sees you uncomfortable  she will say"du er min nå og du vil aldri noen gang bli redd av noen ok?"whick is you are mine now and you with never ever be scared  by anyone ok

Hope u liked it if u want another chapter just say and if u want another  story with my characters in it just say so well stay sour,sweet,spicy ect just have a great day,night,noon

my characters situation book(undiscontinued hooray)Where stories live. Discover now