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Diary entry # 1
It's been months of traveling, but Galway is just another day's ride from here. I don't have enough coin to buy a house. I wish I could have made more coin on the way here cause it looks like it'll be a year or two before seeing my family again. No time like the present.
My Dearest Elani
l Since I last wrote, I have arrived in Galway, and finding a house will be much harder than the journey here. Galway is exactly like you described. The streets are full of interesting people; the other day, I met a fine fellow named Johnny, an odd fellow who liked drums and guns, though he always had them on him. The nightlife is also amazing, especially when a new ship comes to port, god those sailors can sing a shanty. Anyway, I hope you and Rafael are doing alright; I'll write again soon.
Love Porter
P.S: tell Raft dada says hello

Diary entry # 2
I keep meeting Johnny around town, attracting trouble. Though I am glad we meet, his drums gain a crowd and coin. I hope to move on from street performances and get a steady job. Perhaps Johnny might like that too; I'd hate to leave a fellow performer behind.

Dear Elani
I have made an arrangement with the owner of the Celtic Woman Inn. She will give me food and a room in exchange for my services; she offered the same job to Johnny, that fellow I told you about before. It seems he's a gunslinger looking to make a home for his family here in Galway. Johnny's got many tales to tell; it almost puts me to shame. I can't wait to see you and Raft again; hopefully, I can get enough tips to buy that little place by the docks.
Love Porter
Diary entry # 3
Some strange men came into port today, asking about Johnny no less. I know he was once a sailor, but I'm surprised he'd ever sail with these men. Their captain was a stout man with a bushy beard, smelled of rum the bastard. In any case, I've done my best to hide Johnny's location. The rest of the town has helped me out. I guess that's what a couple of months of performing here get you a very loyal fanbase.

My Dearest Elani
I regret to inform you that Galway has been raided; as I write, this city is being engulfed in flames and cannon fire. I had to drag Johnny out of the city; he was bleeding badly. If I don't make it back, take care of Raft for me, and tell him his dad will love him always. I hope this isn't the end, as I would regret not seeing you two in my final moments.
Love forever and always, Porter
P.S.: death is never the end. I shall see you both in this life or the next

Diary entry # 4

Johnny passed the night before; he told me to visit his family in Athy and tell them he loved them and regretted that he couldn't say it in person. Dumb bastard, he should've told me he was a pirate; we would've left much sooner. I should head back and see my family as well. This venture wasn't worth it. I wish I could toss this coin into the river; I've seen more of it than my son. He's probably walking and talking by now.

Diary entry # 5

I arrived home to find the streets empty. All the doors and windows were shuttered and locked. I found my house burned down with a cross in front, a pile of burnt bones lay at its bottom, one adult and one newborn child, my child. I held the bones close and wept. I tried healing them to no avail. .

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