The Forbidden Kiss

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Adelen fell back, clutching her stomach. She looked down to see the spear protruding from her abdomen. The Duergar general sneered at her, as explosions fired off behind him, and Adelen's vision began to blur. Suddenly, a loud scream sounded behind her.


Adrenaline rushed through her body as she began to stand up, and was almost knocked back again. Talia stormed past her, rage evident on her face. Alarik, who was fighting his own band of dwarves, halted with Talia's scream. His eyes locked with Adelen, and instantly flashed with a catlike reflection. He gracefully flipped to a dwarf that lay silent, still... dead. Grabbing the hammer that lay on his crushed chest, he used their Psychic Whispers link to get Talia's attention. Within seconds, she caught the glowing hammer that Alarik tossed her, raising her arm and aimed at the dark dwarf. His dark eyes somehow darkened more, and he gave her a look as if beckoning her... taunting her anger.

Adelen stared in awe at the beautiful Goliath woman standing in the center of battle. She was towering over most of the people in the room, except maybe besides Wayd, the dragonborn who was fighting off a purple psychic cloud at the edge of the room. A strong power surrounded Talia. Her leather gear was tailored perfectly to her body, and her muscular form had Adelen starstruck, as she stood there, clutching the spear still piercing her stomach, dark drops of blood dripping onto the stone floor.

Talia fought with grace and strength, anger pouring off of her in waves. Adelen knew where her anger came from. She fell to her knees, feeling more and more lightheaded as she lost more blood. Her eyes never broke contact with the woman she loved, the woman currently fighting for Adelen's life. Talia swung her hammer around, blocking the Duergar's hits. She let out a powerful roar as she swung her hammer into the ribs of the dwarf with a loud crack, and the Duergar general stumbled back and collapsed.

Adelen let out a soft moan as a smaller Duergar guard rushed at her to finish the job. Amidst the chaos, Alarik saw him advance. He called to Talia through the mental link once more, and sent an Eldritch Blast straight into the dwarf to slow him. Talia swung around and with intense precision, tossed a spear straight through his chest before he was able to reach Adelen. With a sigh of relief, Adelen collapsed as her vision went black.


Adelen woke up, without knowing how much time had passed. The soft glow of the lantern lit up the space, and she recognized that she was back in the tent she shared with Talia since their first night in Ozymand. Adelen looked down, and saw bandages wrapped around her stomach, a small red stain marking them from where the spear used to sit. A few candles flickered on the wooden table next to the bed, the wax nearly melted. She tried to sit up, panting from the pain. A small groan left her mouth. A rustle sounded from the tent entrance, and Talia walked in. She held a tray of what looked like chunks of raw meat and a steaming mug of tea, and her face was pale, eyebrows laced together with worry. Raising her head, she locked eyes with Adelen. Relief flooded them, and she rushed to place the tray on the table.
"Adelen, wait," she gasped. "You shouldn't be moving. You're hurt." Her voice was strained with worry, as she helped Adelen sit up. She brought the warm cup of tea to Adelen's lips. The liquid instantly began to warm her, and Adelen realized how cold she felt. From the loss of blood, she assumed. She felt lightheaded for a second, leaning against Talia's arm, and let the dizzy spell pass. Talia enveloped Adelen in an embrace, and let out a sigh of relief, holding on so tight, that it felt like she was scared Adelen would fall apart without the caress.

Glowing green eyes locked with ones of storm cloud gray, and the pair held each other, their heartbeats in sync. Adelen yearned to be closer, to hold onto the goliath's warm body forever. She held up her palm to rest it on Talia's face, but it shook. She was tired.... so tired. A sharp pang rang in her stomach, followed by a rumble.

"You need to eat," Talia whispered, lightening her embrace. "I brought you some deer. Uncooked of course."

Adelen grimaced. They both knew that animal blood did not work well in the healing process. Not as well as..... humanoid blood would. It would take days to recover even a sliver of strength from the raw deer meat. But Adelen knew that if she broke, if she consumed the blood she actually craved, she might not be able to stop herself. She might not be able to control her hunger. The days of hurting innocent people were past her.

Reluctantly, Adelen nodded at the plate, and Talia stood up to bring it closer to her. They both avoided each other's gaze, knowing this was necessary. Adelen took a bite, ripping through the stringy membranes of the meat, using the last bit of strength not to gag it back up. She preferred it fresh from the source, but was still too weak to go hunting. This will have to do, Adelen thought to herself. Her eyes drifted to Talia, down her face, pausing for a moment on her lips. They drifted lower and locked to the exposed bit of tanned skin on her neck. She could practically see the vein throbbing. Talia's breath caught in her throat, as Adelen's eyes darkened with hunger.

In a blink of an eye, the plate of meat clattered to the stone floor with a smash, and with desperation, their lips met. There was an intense hunger in their kiss. Hands tangled together, moving across hot skin. Adelen was hungry for more than just blood, and it was evident that Talia felt the same. Their body's moved in sync, like two leaves dancing in a gust of wind. Their tongues fought for control, and amidst the chaos, a sharp canine pierced Talia's bottom lip. Adelen tasted the blood, and with a gasp, pulled back. The whites around her eyes turned red, and her breath came in short gasps. It felt like all the air was ripped from her lungs. The hunger was too much, too painful. Talia's fear was sketched onto her face, but she moved closer to the beautiful but injured dhampir in front of her. She gently took her hand, bringing it up to her lips. Using Adelen's own finger, she led it across the wound, letting the blood drip down her hand. With a swift motion, Talia grabbed her own hair in a fist, and moved it across her shoulder, revealing more of the delicate skin on her neck.

"Drink." She demanded.

Adelen moaned and shook her head. "I cannot, you know this. You had to pull me back from the edge before. I can't hurt you. I won't."

"I trust you," Talia whispered, inching closer. Adelen could hear her heartbeat speeding up. She knew that if she took this bite, if she allowed herself to drink, she might lose control. The adrenaline coursing through Talia's body would make the experience intoxicating. She wouldn't be able to stop.

"I trust you," Talia repeated, holding Adelen's hand to her heart. She felt the rhythm beneath her fingers, enticing her, beckoning.

Just one drink, one taste...

With a swift motion, Adelen was at her neck. Her fangs broke out full force, and punctured the delicate skin. The warm taste of nectar flooded her mouth, and Adelen groaned against Talia's neck. The goliath moaned, gripping onto the bed with one hand, and onto Adelen's arm with the other. Adelen kept her hand on Talia's chest, sensing her heartbeat.

I have to stop...

But the taste was exhilarating. It had been months. Months of fighting her natural urge. Months of being weak. But now she could be strong. Would be strong. Strong enough to stop before she hurt Talia. Strong enough to never do this again.

With a gasp, she pulled back. Blood dribbled down her chin, her eyes bright. Talia drooped a little, and Adelen held her steady.

"Thank you," she whispered, warmth flooding her entire body. Talia sagged in her embrace, her eyes fluttering.

"I'd do anything for you. Just know that," she mumbled, and after a pause, Adelen brought her lips to Talia's. It was a calm, tender kiss, without the intensity of their first. It warmed her heart just the same. Adelen held Talia closely, and they both drifted off into a peaceful slumber.

The Forbidden Kiss - Talia x AdelenWhere stories live. Discover now