frank frankly head cannons

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Author note:starting off strong with one of meh favorite wh characters, FRANK!

-frank goes by he/him and they/them

-Frank definitely wears makeup and nail polish 💅 he also probably dresses up a bit girly once and a while and occasionally acts a bit girly (I mean... His best friend is Julie for 1... And idk they just seem like that type of person/puppet but is y'all are mad about it then to bad. Go cry about it/j)

-Ahaem frank let's Eddie and Julie call him Franky/Frankie and only those two he gets mad whenever anyone besides those two call him that lol

-Frank either has a sliver ring or a gold ring (marriage ring obviously)


-now idk why but I feel like when frank is overwhelmed he doesn't quite know how to like react to it or anything so they just try to find a place where he can like calm down

-frank like cherishes his wedding ring if it would be stolen he would end up crying and would say that the ring is too precious to be pawned if he ever got it back (that is if the person who stole it even tried to pawn it and probably just tells ya how much frank cares about Eddie and his wedding ring lol)

-is clingy when it comes to eddie.

-always says "oh my! " everythime eddie picks in up and he also always say it in the most gay way

-squeaks everytime someone hugs him too tight

More will be added later....

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