•You Reap What You Woe•

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I cut my hair to my shoulders again as I sighed. I felt tears swell up into my eyes not ready to face my parents if they come. I changed into my uniform and took off all my makeup. I put lipgloss on as I look at myself in the mirror. I walked down to the quad and gulped. I stood next to Enid holding her hand tightly. I sighed softly as Ms. Weems said Eugene is okay. "Have you been to see him?" Enid asked weds. "You're his friend" Enid continued. "I'm the reason he's in the hospital" Wednesday said. "That is not your fault weds" I told her. Enid and weds spoke about their family as I breathed. They both left to their families as weds dragged me with her. "These she is" Mr. Addams said. He hugged Wednesday as I smiled. "How are you, my little rain cloud?" Mrs. Addams asked. I laughed softly as they spoke about thing. "Ah, this must be your Roommate hello again" Mr. Addams said. "It's a pleasure to meet you all again" I say bowing. "She's my girlfriend.." Wednesday told them. "Oh, I knew you would find love here my little spider" Mrs. Addams says laughing as I blushed.

     My eyes widen as I heard someone yell "Gracelyn!". I turned around and I put on a fake smile as my 'parents' walked towards me. "You look more disgusting since the last time I saw you" my mother said. "Did you gain weight?" My father asked. "Welcome, you guys actually showed up" I say not impressed. "Respect us you little shit!" My mom said slapping me. "I will respect you, once you earn it" I say sternly. "Aw..~ you're still upset about your past aren't you" my father said touching my chin. "Let go" I say backing up. "Jaxx didn't come, of course he didn't he's probably tired of This fucker" My mom says smoking. I messed with my hands as I smiled. "Aren't you gonna fucking show us around?? Gosh you're such a disappointment you should have died except for your sisters" Father sighed. "This is my room.." I say as I showed them my dorm.

     "You don't have any friends do you stupid elf??" My father asked yanking my hair. "I-I do!" I say as he let go of my hair. We went back downstairs as I saw Enid. "Why are you guys here.. and don't give me bullshit crap saying you miss me" I said annoyed. "We want you home" my mother replied. "The hell you do!!! You put me into this damn school because I was an outcast!!! You never wanted me! I'm thankful to be here since jaxx got me away for your fucking asses!!" I screamed as everyone stared at me. I ran inside the building embarrassed as I felt them following me. "You fucking piece of shit, I beat your ass before and I'll do it again.. your weak you understand you will do what I fucking say" my father said Bending down to my height. "You may be stronger but my powers are more stronger DONT forget I can explode you inside and out." I say staring into his soul. He yanked my hair and kicked my gut. I spit up blood as I tried healing myself. He stomped on my back as i touched his leg and burned it. "You bitch LET GO!" He yelled trying to kick my hand off while his leg melted off.

    My mother lifted me up seeing my bruises and scars. "How sweet that you still have them..." She says. "Don't touch her, you don't have my permission" Weds said picking me up from the ground. "Who the fuck are you" My dad laughed. "I'm her girlfriend" she replied. "If you do decide to touch her again... I will, not might WILL kill you both" Wednesday said carrying me. She walked to the infirmary to let me rest and to also check on Eugene. "You have alot of explaining to do Saphire..." I hear her say as I sighed. She put me down as she left to another room. She came back and sat next to me. "Spill it.. NOW Saphire I'm not asking I'm demanding" she said glaring at me. "It's a long story Wednesday.." I replied annoyed. "I have all day" she said grabbing my wrist tightly.

    "They have always been assholes ever since I was born. I have 7 siblings who I killed.. Jaxx is the only one alive. 5 are girls including me and 4 are boys including jaxx. They forced us to kill people and Animals but I was the only one with powers. I was different and they loved but hated it. My sisters Nayvee, Marcy, Vanessa and Maddie were all older than me and my father would do horrible, horrible things to them. My brothers Jaxx, Leo and Adam were older than me as my little brother Kylo was younger by one year. I always gotten beaten for there mistakes, I always had to do chores and take care of fucking everything. I didn't have friends nor did I leave the house so Arielle was the only thing I had. I couldn't cry, I couldn't speak unless they told me to, I couldn't eat or leave my room. They gave me bruises and scars to make sure I never forgot abt what they did to me. The punishment's were horrible for me, they could starve me for weeks, beat me until I pass out, rape me, burn me, drown me and other things. One day I was only 6 they forced me to kill all my siblings. I didn't have control of my body and I don't know how it happened or what happened I just saw blood everywhere. Jaxx thankfully ran away as my parents never stopped beating me. They put me into comas so many times but never dared to stop. Jaxx took me with him and sent me here to Nevermore since it was for outcast like me. I met Enid and I decided that nobody needed to know what happened..."

    I explained everything Wednesday as I cried. She hugged me as I hugged back sobbing loudly. "There.. there no need to cry Mi amor.." she said kissing my head. "You're safe with me.. I won't let anyone hurt you because if they do, they're probably gonna be dead right as they blink" she explained. "I love you.." I mumbled. "I..I love you to.." she said as I saw her blushing a bit. I sat on her lap as I hugged her not letting go.

    Wednesday's POV:
     I felt Saphire fell asleep as I sighed. I carried her as we went to the quad. I put Saph into a chair as she slept. I stood up immediately since the sheriff was arresting my father. "Dad?" Pugsley said. I looked at my mother seeing her cry. I went to the jail my father was at seeing him. "My little tormenta, how's your mother?" He asked. "Devastated, she hates you in orange" I replied. "I caught her laying a Rose on a grave earlier today. The headstone read "Garrett Gates." The very boy you've been arrested for murdering. Care to explain?" I tell him. He explained everything on how Garrett Gates was obsessed with my mother and how he started going Insane. "Thank you for being so honest with me" I say.

    Saphire's POV:
    I sat with Enid and her family and I noticed that her mom is a bitch. "Here, I brought you a gift" Her mom said. "That's so sweet. You didn't have to get me anything." Enid said smiling. I smiled as I leaned on her shoulder. "I know, but I thought we got off on the wrong foot this weekend. I just want you to know that all I want is the very best for you." Her mom explained as Enid opened it. "What are these?" She asked. "Brochures.." I answered her. "These are camps for lycanthropy conversation." Enid said. "Oh, no need to be dramatic, Enid" her mom says. "She isn't being dramatic, just because she hasn't wolfed out doesn't mean she's a disappointment" I say angrily. "Who are you again? Why are you in my business with my daughter" she replied glaring at me. "You want to send me to conversion therapy for werewolves?" Enid said upset. "It worked wonders for your cousin Lucille, didn't it? Seven weeks in Balkan countryside and she was howling at the moon in no time. As it should be. Don't you want to wolf out and finally be normal, honey?" Her mother asked.

      Enid threw the papers and walked away. I followed her as I glared at her mother. I comforted Enid as she hugged me tightly. Someone told me Wednesday ended up in jail. I went to town as I saw weds. "Weds!!" I yelled hugging her tightly. "What's happening" I say worried. "Nothing.. Cara Mia" she said as I saw her father walking out. The Addams family hugged as Wednesday dragged me in. We went back to school as pugsley hugged Wednesday goodbye. "Bye Saph it was nice meeting you" he said hugging me as well. I hugged back and smiled. "Bye pugsley" I said waving. I looked around as I saw jaxx. "Brother!!" I yelled running to him and hugging him. "Saph!!" He yelled picking me up. "Anything happened I'm sorry I'm late" he replied. "Nothing happened I'm so glad you're here, everyone is leaving though" I say sadly. He kissed my head as he put me down. "I'll see you soon I promise" he said hugging me. "I love you big brother, bye! Thanks for coming even if it was a little bit" I say as he left. 'I hated today...' I thought walking to my room.

Thanks for reading this chapter I hope you enjoyed it!

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