Prologue Khushi

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Isn't it funny how easily life can slip out of our grasp? How effortlessly our soul dies from within! My heart pounded rapidly in my chest, fully aware of the surge of emotions coursing through me. Meanwhile, my body remained eerily still, as if disconnected from the turmoil within. Before my senses could catch up, I found myself forcefully pushed onto the cool, hard tiles. The darkness around me made it impossible to discern my surroundings. My back pressed against the unforgiving surface, and firm hands curled around my neck, pushing me down relentlessly. The intensity of his grip caused a burning sensation at the back of my head and cut off my air supply. I tried desperately to scream for help, but the air barely escaped my constricted lungs. Just as the pain threatened to overwhelm me, the solid tile transformed into water, alleviating the piercing ache. But the relief was short-lived as panic replaced the soothing sensation. I gasped for breath, but his unyielding hands remained firmly compressed on my neck. The water turned hostile, and sharp stings pricked my skin. I thrashed against his hold, but it seemed to have no effect. Panic set in, and my hands and legs flailed in desperation. My ear-splitting screams were muffled by the icy-cold water, which only seemed to grow colder by the second. My body grew weak, and I reluctantly accepted my fate. With a heavy heart, I ceased struggling, closed my mouth, and waited for the inevitable. However, it never came. Instead, I was abruptly hauled out of the water, and as soon as my face made contact with the air, I couldn't fight the urge to vomit, heaving the contents of my body onto the tile floor.

I cautiously peered through my long lashes at the black figure watching me closely, his eyes penetrating mine. Suddenly, his attention was drawn toward the walls. Following his gaze, to my astonishment, I saw the walls beginning to crumble, and a bright light replaced the once pitch-black room.

My eyes snapped open, and I found myself back in my bedroom. It was just a dream, or more accurately, a nightmare.

My breaths came hard and fast as I tried to steady my breathing, focusing on a single spot on the wall. The glowing red letters of my alarm clock taunted me, indicating it was three thirty-three a.m. A pinprick of dread blossomed at the base of my neck, sending chills down my spine. I attempted to go back to sleep, but sleep eluded me. Instead, I decided to get up and head upstairs. I reside in a two-story house, a cherished inheritance from my late aunt, who became my only family after a tragic incident took away my parents and my brother. Climbing the stairs, I made my way across the hall to the room at the end and pressed the key to the lock. The room was a small storeroom with a few scattered boxes here and there. Stepping inside, I walked towards the dusty old bookshelf at the very end. My fingers gently skimmed over the spines of ancient books, some with titles barely legible.

I stopped on a battered copy of Pride & Prejudice, twisted the gold lion statuette on a nearby table with my other hand, and pulled out the book before reshelving it. The soft creak of the bookshelf unlatched a secret room within it. This is my favorite place to find solace when I needed a distraction. As I stepped inside, a sense of calm washed over me, gazing at the years of hard work laid out before me.

I am finally going to put an end to the monster that haunted my dreams.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2023 ⏰

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