Chapter on, intro

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Hello! My name is y/n, I have long pink-blue-yellow-purple-black-poop hair, wonderful green-grey-blue-black-purple-red orbs and a priti face. I'm half elf, half hobbit so me id small and petite but still beautiful with pony ears and very prappie cooket 🥹. My boyfriend is Gollum but u hate him with a burning passion, he calls mr "his precious" so obviously eem cheating on him with another oogley called "Frodo Baggins"🙄 he has a slimy frog face and his uncle is sooo old, he has this priti ring that ee make him steal but every time ai wear it this big black scawi men cum and tri 2 kill me 🫣 but then my big strong saviour, daddy Gandalf, cups to rescue may 😍 he is so hawt, when he swoops mei up and smacks u in the face for stealing the all mighty rimg😘🥰 He is so hut wife hees rincles, when he kisses mei he is so pashionait and liks msi lipes like em hees iscreem. Eem with golem and h is eating my cat 😻 Ei don't like bc he is so x1000000000000000000 ooglai. Frodo cums in and sees gulum, he is angri, I giggle and run outie of da woom 🥺🌸🌷 they gat angy and Chas meh don ze entaih shit until my dada sandal saviour daddy hawt man cums and saves u form the demons trying 2 kill mai 🌝

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