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"Beep beep." I pulled the blanket higher making it go over my head

I hear my door open and I groaned
"Give me five more minutes Takashi."
.I said hoping he would be merciful today,but what do I expect it's Takashi.

"Nope!" Takashi smiled before grabbing my blanket of my body." I hate you Shiro..." I said rolling my eyes ,"I love you to Keith." Shiro said looking at his younger brother
"But anyway...get up we are going to be late  for the first day..." Shiro said before leaving the room leaving the room door WIDE OPEN I sighed and got out of bed  rubbing my eyes.
Hell awaits me I thought before leaving to go take a shower,I took a quick shower before going back to my room

[ Look Idk how to  explain the outfit but yeah here's a picture?]

[ Look Idk how to  explain the outfit but yeah here's a picture?]

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"Are you ready Keith?" Shiro asked me
,"Yea." I replied. "Kay lets go I will be in the car.". I grabbed my suitcase and rushed to the car. "Hey- want me to put-"."no" I said cutting Shiro from finishing his question.

"Ok ." Shiro said before going to sit in the driver's seat. I followed after putting down my suitcase and sat down in the passenger seat.

Shiro started the car and began to drive
." So do you want to listen to anything?"Shiro asked me" Nah it's not a long drive."I replied turning my head to the Side staring outside." Ok if you say so Kei."
I looked back a Shiro and tilted my head "Kie? That's new." I said."mhm you remind me exactly of that character from that anime Matt forced us to watch your salty just like him." ,"Oh shut up ." I said punching Shiro's shoulder playfully
"Oh come on you know I was telling the truth- all your lacking is height." Shiro said chuckling. I crossed my arms before looking to the side.

"We are here Kei." I open the door quickly
Before looking back." Stop with the nicknamee- " I told shiro annoyed but Shiro. Returned it with a grin "okay okay keithy pie" before I could say anything Shiro drove away." God danm it- " I said in annoyance I sighed and continued walking

The minute I walked inside  the dormitory
I was greeted by a familiar face Lance fucking MCcLain I tried hiding my face so I wouldn't get noticed but despite my efforts
He saw me. God could this day get any worse I thought." What are you doing here mullet?" Lance asked looking down at Keith with his hands in his blue jacket ."could ask the same thing jackass-." I replied obviously not going to take his shit ." Well I am going to school HERE-" Lance said crossing his hands." Okay? Want a gold sticker ?" I replied before walking past him I didn't need to be sent to the principles office especially on the first day." Keithy - Keith  KeIIITHHH~~~ KEITH,KEI TH  KOGANEEE
" I swear to god this boy is going to be the the reason I end up in prison I thought to myself before speeding to the front desk
First Shiro than Lance god I swear if my roommate is a dick I'm going to to commit suicide. I finally arrived and there was a lady sitting down ,"name?" She asked looking at me ,"Keith Akira Kogane " I said "ah mr.kogane your room is number is 129." The lady said smiling."and what about you? " The lady looked at Lance." The names Lance Charles McClain but ladies call me lover boy Lance-" Lance winked and the lady cringed,"well um ..mister McClain your room number is 129 also!" The lady said
I looked at Lance and he looked at me
Today isn't my day is it? Lance looked like a gun shot him dead," I HAVE TO ROOM WITH THE MULLET HEAD-"  Lance said throwing his hands up in the air." COULD YOU STOP CALLING ME MULLET I HAVE  A NAME YOU DUMBASS-!" I shot back at Lance
We were sending each other death glares
"How about you say it to my face-!?!" Lance said crossing his arms ." I am you idiot -!!"

"Enough, you two-! " A girl with white long curly hair ,brown skin,and blue eyes said in a British accent ." ALLURA -! " Lance practically flew to allura of course afterall
Lance had a huge crush on her - of course she knew it because he made it quite obvious I walk away trying to get alone time but it seemed that nothing was going to go my way." Keith, where are you going?" Allura asked,"oh uh nowhere." I say stopping in my tracks great now I'm going to have to watch them get all lovely Dovey
I gagged when Lance started saying cringey things." Ah that's nice Lance, Keith!we should totally meet with the others - pidge and hunk also go here-!"allura said pushing Lance of her

"Okay allura." I gave her a smile and she left like the wind Lance looked at Keith jealous of him."danm it mullet - you better not try steal allura-" before Lance could finish I went up the stairs leaving him downstairs


:D hopefully someone reads this though

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2023 ⏰

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