•Quid Pro Woe•

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I walked into my room seeing Wednesday doing a séance. She turned around and stared at me as Enid walked in. "Uh, sorry to interrupt whatever you were doing" Enid said. "Yeah" I say hugging Wednesday smiling. I heard a paper slide through the door as we all looked. Wednesday picked it up and read it as I skipped over to her. We went to the woods as I hugged Wednesdays arm tightly. I gasped as I heard a noise. "You insisted on coming along. I was fine on my own" weds told Enid from behind us. "Look at Saph, she's more scared than me" Enid said. "Yeah, but I'll protect her" weds said kissing my forehead. We went up the stairs as we stopped in front of the door. "Ew. What died" Enid asked as I giggled. Me and weds went inside as Enid stayed outside. "Weds I'm scared" I say as she wrapped her arm around my shoulder. We looked around as we heard weird noises. "Surprise!!" Everyone said. "Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Wednesday!!" They sang as Enid brought the cake. I smiled and sung also. She glared at everyone as I smiled. "I knew you were behind on this, what part of "no party under the penalty or death" do you not understand?" Wednesday told thing. "Weds can we eat the cake" I whined. She suddenly had a vision as I catched her.

I was sitting on weds lap on my phone as she drew this weird gate. "Careful, that's my cold shoulder" she told thing. "Don't blame thing. That party was me and Saph's idea" Enid said. "Everyone deserves to be celebrated on their birthday" Enid said. "And yet you guys still don't know mine" I laughed. Thing randomly started pulling a box out from under weds bed. Wednesday got up and as she dropped me on the floor. "Ow! Weds!" I say. I stared in horror as her parents bought her dead squirrels. I hugged Enid As Wednesday opened her gift. "What is it exactly?" Wednesday asked her. "It's a snood, silly!" Enid laughs. "I have one too!!" I said as I grabbed mine. "All three of us are matching!" Enid yelled happily. Wednesday stared at her with disgust in her eyes as her mouth opens slightly in shocked. I laughed as I hugged Wednesday. "Oh, Enid, this is far too unique to wear to something like class I suggest we wait for a more special occasion, like a funeral" weds told her. "Oh" enid said with a weird look.

Me and weds went to the lawn and stared at the burned words. "You had another vision didn't you?" Xavier asked weds. Wednesday didn't say anything she just held my waist. "I didn't know you wanted to speak with us" I say not looking at him. "I showed up to Wednesday's surprise party. I figured that would have been a hint. And also I know your to kind for your own good Saph" he smiled at me. I went to touch the burning grass as Xavier and weds spoke. Wednesday grabbed my hand and walked away. We went to visit Eugene as I grabbed his hand. I looked to see that Dr. kinbott walked In. I held weds arm as her and Dr. Kinbott spoke.

We went to weathervane as I drank my coffee laying on Wednesday's shoulder. "I know you're usually a quad kind of girl but I've been working on that all week" Tyler said sitting down. 'Who invited him..??' I thought. I drank my coffee as I watched those two speak. I went on my phone as Enid texted me. Wednesday got up and went to talk to the sheriff. I left Wednesday alone so I could hang out with other people.

Wednesday's POV:
I went to Xavier and asked him if he has ever seen this gate before. All of a sudden thing decided to yank a cloth off this painting. I walked over to it seeing me and Saphire kissing. "What is this..?" I say to him. "I wanted to forget about Saphire but I couldn't so I saw you guys at the dance and I drew about it" he explained. He reached his hand out as the picture started moving about me and Saph dancing. I immediately left as I glared at him. I went to Garrett Gates old house. Goody showed me this house for a reason. I saw someone inside as I immediately hid. I went into the Mayor's trunk as he was distracted. I watched as he got ran over by a car. I stared in shocked as I walked over to the sheriff and the Mayor. I got scolded by weems again. I went back to my room only for Saph to hug me tightly. "This is why I never let you go alone, you always end up doing stupid shit.." she says. "I'm fine." I say as I went to my typewriter. "It really isn't fine weds" she said concerned.

~|Opposites Attract|~ Wednesday Addams x Girl OC readerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang