A Start -01-

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It was a beautiful day in the Cookie Kingdom, everyone was cheery, enjoying their days, just overall having a good time. It was almost as if nothing could ruin the sunny bright day today.
Our story begins with GingerBrave


GingerBrave was just in adventure with his team, Strawberry Cookie, Wizard Cookie, Chili Pepper cookie and Custard Cookie lll. They just got done battling with the cake hounds, and it was the most intense battle they had face yet. Everyone was exhausted even GingerBrave himself.

Everyone was exhausted even GingerBrave himself. All of them were in mood for some bear jellies, while the rest of Gingerbrave's team was enjoying their bear jellies.

GingerBrave was just squinting his eyes, and trying to make up what the paper attached to the oak tree said. He then took a closer look, and his back eyes widen, was this true he thought to himself. Wizard cookie noticed that GingerBrave hadn't ate his bear jellies yet.

"What's the matter?" Wizard Cookie asked when he saw that GingerBrave hadn't answered him, he asked in annoyed tone that was hiding his concern.

"What's wrong!!" GingerBrave snapped from his little trance and quickly apologized. "Ah, sorry Wizard cookie! But, umm, are guys seeing what am seeming?"

Custard Cookie lll just smiled and exclaimed,"No need to worry cookies I will take care of this problem as your king!" Custard Cookie lll was just waking over to GingerBrave but, Chili Pepper Cookie, "Hmm, not treasure? Not interested!"

Strawberry Cookie was just silently read the paper, and her eyes widen,"Who is Gum-Ball Cookie and why does it, state they are missing?"

Custard Cookie lll asked he was on Wizard cookie back since he couldn't see anything, Wizard Cookie just looked annoyed by this but didn't say anything.

GingerBrave was just trying to explain to Custard Cookie III,"Will that means that nobody has seen that person, which mean nobody knows where they are.

Custard Cookie III just nodded in understanding. But it was strange why was their a missing poster of Gum-Ball Cookie, and in the middle of nowhere? Could this be a prank, but who would want to play such a cruel prank? There was lots of thought in GingerBrave mind that he wanted answers to. "GingerBrave."

Strawberry Cookie asked, again she was wondering what was on GingerBrave mind that was keeping him so preoccupied. This startled GingerBrave but only a bit, so it wasn't that noticeable.

"Oh! Sorry, Strawberry Cookie what were you asking me?" GingerBrave said while rubbing his neck and gave Strawberry cookie a apologetic look.

Wizard cookie noticed that GingerBrave mind was somewhere else, he made a note to himself to ask GingerBrave about it late. For now he just listened to Strawberry Cookie repeat herself again. Strawberry just gave a low sigh,"I said that we should go back to the Kingdom soon before nighttime arrives." GingerBrave just nodded and murmured to himself,"Come get it together me! You have to focus!"

With that the group of cookies started waking back him again, with them taking on the way. It was a long walk, but they eventually git back to the kingdom right about when the sun was about to set. A few cookies greeted the group of cookies.

The Kingdom just still looked so peaceful, everyone was talking to each other, or doing something else. Wizard Cookie was about to ask what was on GingerBrave mind but, GingerBrave turned towards them while smiling,"Am exhausted guys! I'll be going to sleep now! See you guys tomorrow!" Before anyone could say anything GingerBrave was to far gone already.

With that the group of cookies started going their separate ways, will expect, Wizard Cookie just stood their and thought to himself, I'll just ask GingerBrave tomorrow, there no rush. With that Wizards Cookie started going his separate way as well.

Little did the other cookies know that the peaceful kingdom was an absolute lie, or was it? How much longer can the truth be hidden? It will eventually come to light.

-Fin Chapter 1-

(Note:Hope you guys are enjoyed this! I definitely had a blast writing this! Write your thoughts down below of what's happening! Also please do tell me what other characters should I add!)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2023 ⏰

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