Chapter 1: Passionate Primal Sex.

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"Oh, I'm not leaving. You're going to invite me in so I can protect you or..." The blond haired vampire moved closer to me as I trapped between him and the siding of my house. "...have passionate primal sex with you..." He flashed that gorgeous smirk of his. "How about both?" Eric leaned in closer to me as I smelt his signature musk. Sex and blood. "Or I can stay out here and keep a look out for myself." I smirked as I knew how to get undernearth the vampire's skin. "I'm not leaving you to defend yourself, Short Stack." Eric smirked as he looked down at me and then I looked up at him with something in my eyes.


"I'm still Bill's, Eric." I whispered as I knew that he had seen Bill's ring on my finger. I can hear Eric sigh loudly. "Of course you are. But I wonder if you two are truly meant to be. Becasue if so then why did he let these two psychos beat you within an inch of your life?" How does he even know that? He wasn't there that night. Was he? "How did. . . I don't even want to know how you know that." "The Queen of England sent Bill to you to watch you, not to protect you. She didn't know what you are, so she sent him after you and then I guess as time went on between you two that you started to love him even though he manipulated you into loving him. He was only out to protect himself, Sweetheart. Bill never cared about you."

“And you expect me to believe you? Well, I hate to break to you, Eric, I don’t.” I looked over at the blonde haired vampire. Maybe for once he was actually telling me the truth? “Are you lying to me so I’ll leave him or are you actually telling me the truth?” I asked. Eric is quite intimidating for his size. Before I knew it, I was pinned up against my front door as he stared down at me. “There are many things I would like to do to get you to leave him, but I would never lie to you or manipulate you.”  

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