Passing notes

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Blue lines cross our words like bars in prison and a red line hovering to the left waiting unlike the teacher for us to slip up.
(So last day) I write and pass to john.
(Stop saying that your freaking me out bro) he says blowing out a deep breath, and he slides it back. I read it and silently snort
(It's been 4 years of have to be jumping out Of your skin to get out of this hell hole) I write and then doodled a little black hole.
( ha ha ha -sarcasm- so excited to leave all my friends move out and become responsible for my own bills) he wrote scowling now.
(Come on your moving SF not Oregon OR GOD FORBID NEW YORK, I can come see you all the time. I can drive now you know, I'll see you so much you'll get sick of me. I swear.) I wrote pinching him. I stared back at the screen as he wrote to see that half the movie was over. UGH monster inc. only so many times you can watch this in school without wanting to puke on the TV screen.
( I'll miss you.) I saw it and punch him, hard in the right shoulder, I got no reaction. he was hard as a rock from all the swimming.
( fuck you and your moody emotions dork.) I wrote and handed him.
He laughed and the teacher stood and excused us from our second to last class of the day.

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