The Letter

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It's been a year since Lucy moved into the Lockwood and Co residency, Lockwood, George, and Lucy are like a family. The skull is still hated by everyone, but all are considered acquaintances instead of enemies. Yet, Lucy has never once mentioned her past. Until now.


I was already downstairs since I had woken up earlier that morning, around 4:00 am. I've been having nightmares, and I prefer no one knows about them so I stay in my room until it's officially my time to "wake up". Neither George nor Lockwood mentioned how tired I might look or my lack of performance, which I assure you neither has been affected.

We all sat at the table in silence, drinking our tea and doing our own things. Finally, the mail arrived, I was the one to get it, nothing unusual popped up until I found a letter from my hometown. I made an unusual sound drawing the attention of the others.

"Luce? Everything ok?" Lockwood asked.

"Did I leave the skull in there?" George questioned.

"No!" I answered rather too quickly, "Everything is fine I just thought I saw a spider."

"Ok." They said in unison.

I walked upstairs, fast but not too fast to create suspicion. This is the first letter I've received from my town, I felt bad leaving my sister Mary but I had to leave for the sake of my mental health. I sat there, for two minutes, starting at the letter. Finally, I ripped the bandaid off and opened it.

Nothing could have prepared me for the words typed onto that paper.

Dear Lucy Carlyle,
I regret to inform you that your sister, Mary Carlyle has passed away in a tragic accident in the past week. She was working for Jacobs on the Wythburn Mill case and her team did not make it. The funeral arrangements are being made as of now. Your mother is devastated and isn't doing well mentally and physically.

I am aware of your current employment and have hoped you will take on this case, I understand this might be too much for you. But please for the sake of your sister and the town, help us by taking the case.

- Please Consider
An Admirer

I sat on my bed, processing the information I had just read. My sister, the only person who had cared for me was now dead. My mother was left, but to be honest, she never cared for me, and will probably fade away soon. This was too much for me to handle by myself, I had never meant to tell Lockwood or George about my past. But, as much as I hated to admit it, I needed help and support, especially now.

I contained myself for as long as I could, eventually, I let out a sob, continued by more, until I was balling my eyes out. probably loud enough for the boys to hear me. I couldn't care less.


Lucy had gotten the mail a second ago, but something felt off. She didn't seem ok once she saw something in the pile, I think George noticed it too since he had been looking at me from the moment she left.

"So, what do you think that was about?" He asked.

"How should I know? Maybe she got a letter from a friend." I answered.

"A friend. Oh please, like she has any besides us. Come on, you're not the slightest bit interested?" Asked George.

"Of course I'm curious, but it's none of my-our business is it," I told him.

"Wow, so I'm the only one at fault-" George was interrupted by a sob coming from the attic. He was close, I wasn't interested, I was concerned. We both looked at each other as we stood up.

The first sob was followed by three more until there were barely any breaks in between them. George and I were now running up the stairs, nearly side by side.

Lucy had become part of the small but warm family we had here. We are very protective of her. If anything were to happen to her, both of us would be devastated. I assume, and hope, she would feel the same about us. Not only did we both care for her, but she was also our most powerful agent.

We barged into her room to see her on the floor spiraling. We rushed to her side. As sat next to her I couldn't help but notice the letter that had arrived in the mail today.

"Hey, it's ok. It's ok, Deep breath in, and deep breath out, ok." I said as I held her to my chest.

"Lucy, take a deep breath with me ok? Deep breath in...and deep breath out." George said as Lucy followed his instructions.

After a few minutes, she calmed down and was able to speak. I couldn't hold myself back from reading the letter, but I was polite enough to ask before I grabbed it.

"Could I read this please Luce? I asked.

She nodded slightly. As I opened the letter my eyes darted to the word sister and passed away. I read the whole thing as George stood in front of Lucy, still helping her control her breathing. I finished the letter and handed it to George, I was speechless. Neither of us knew much about Lucy's family, or past for that matter. But we knew she only had her mom and sister and never had a good relationship with her mom.

George had the same reaction I did, we both stared at Lucy for a few seconds before she said something.

"I'm sorry-" She started.

"No, there is no reason for apologies. But we need an explanation. And only when you're ready, ok." I cut her off.

"Yeah, no rush." George agreed, still shaken from what he had just read.

All of us sat there. Lucy stared at the wall, almost emotionless yet filled with so much of it. While George and I exchanged glances between Lucy and each other,
we were both worried and had no idea what this meant for Lucy. Eventually, she spoke.

"We need to take the case." She said, later adding, "Please." in a small voice.

"Well, we will need more information about this mill, and what happened there, but I think we should be able to handle it," I told her.

"Have you been to this place before?" George asked.

She nodded. Then proceeded to tell us everything, about her family, her past team and case, her town, and her.


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