Aura Character Deep Dive

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Aura is an abnormally tall rabbit beast with a deep interest in taking care of the elderly and a deep fascination of the relationships between predator beasts and prey beasts. She was once a close friend of Camilla Fox, but has since lost that connection and is seemingly living a more independent life as a single mom to her rambunctious daughter, Alison. That is until she rekindles a long lost love for Maxwell Fox. She was created to explore possible mix-species relationships that didn't consist of the same predator x predator/prey x prey formula many of my other beast pairings are.

Aura is more then just a single mother with a kink for predator beasts. She's a hardworking, independent, smart lady with a lust for adventure and a bit of fun. Don't let her seemingly sweet, demure demeanor trick you, she's just as cunning and sly as any old fox beast. Let's address a couple of questions one might have when first thinking about her and her strange relationships.

How is Aura's relationship with Camilla, Maxwell, and Shadow? Did it change? Remain constant?

When Aura and Camilla were children, they were relatively close. They didn't have everything in common. Aura came from an incredibly stable, loving household with many siblings while Camilla comes from a neglectful household as an only child. This often caused a bit of infighting with the two girls, but they always made up in the end. It wasn't until both girls and Camilla's male friends, Maxwell and Shadow, hit puberty before things grew tense. Aura found Camilla's growing bitchy, competitive personality too much to bare, and started to hang out with different people. At the same time, she started to develop feelings towards Maxwell. These feelings reached a boiling point, which resulted in a very nasty argument to break out between Camilla and herself. This forever severed their friendship and caused Aura to drift away from Maxwell and Shadow as a result, at least for a short while.

Aura didn't notice Maxwell as they grew up, largely due to the differing species and gender identities they each had. Bunnies and foxes didn't often intermingle, and when they did, it was only ever platonic. As stated previously though, once puberty hit, that's when Aura noticed Maxwell. For a while, she did try to grab his attention by doing things she thought he'd like. Being more masculine, showing interest in comic books and overall trying to act more like Camilla. However, it didn't seem any of it worked on Maxwell, so Aura gave up. She found out at a young age that Maxwell was her Soulmate, but it didn't seem meant to be. For a very long time after, she somewhat resented him for the heartbreak, and largely didn't care deeply to get to know new foxes or canine-esk beings. Eventually, she and Maxwell rekindled their friendship over a shared bond of taking care of Beatrice, Maxwell's mother, and they ended up getting together.

Aura wasn't fazed at all by Shadow's appearance in the small group she and Camilla had. It was just kind of natural to have him around. Aura didn't really know Shadow well enough to develop any strong opinions of him, but she did like him enough to greet him and overall be nice to him, even after the group drifted. In their adulthood, she's since gotten to know Shadow a lot better and overall really likes him. She does wonder often how different he'd be had he learned more about his heritage and his species.

What kind of job does she work? Does she like her job?

Aura is a nursing home nurse. She cares for the elderly monsters and humans, namely Beatrice. Aura loves her job greatly! She's quite a workaholic and hates missing days. Aura takes her job very seriously, not letting anyone talk down about her patients or herself. The job pays pretty decently as well, which is perfect for a once single mother.

Does she have a strong relationship with Alison? Alison's birth father?

Aura has an incredibly close motherly bond with Alison. Her daughter is the most important thing to her, even if she was actually an accidental pregnancy. While Alison gets most of her extroversion from her father, she has her smarts and charms from her mother. This makes her and Aura get along quite well. She never lets Alison know that she was actually an accident, often just calling her a little miracle baby or a surprise.

Aura doesn't like Alison's biological father at all though, often calling him a deadbeat father figure behind his and Alison's back. She refuses to let her daughter know how much she dislikes her father, as Alison quite likes her dad. Aura doesn't ask Alison's father for any child support or help, but does allow him to visit his daughter whenever he pleases. She doesn't blame him for the pregnancy either, as it occurred through the Indirect Method (with use of magic instead of physical sex).

What about with the Fox kits? Would Aura want more kids with Maxwell or a future partner?

Aura absolutely loves Mavis Fox, her own daughter's best friend. She considers Mavis to be the best out of her three siblings, although it may be due to Mavis' much tamer nature compared to her older siblings. Aura was quick to 'adopt' Mavis as a daughter figure, even before her and Maxwell became an item.

Aura likes Summer and Jake all the same, even if she finds some of their behaviors rather strange. She doesn't much care for Summer's show off attitude nor does she like Jake's passive monotone-ness.

As for having more kids, Aura is relatively open to the idea, although hesitates at the idea of having one with Maxwell. Due to the high death rates in hybrid predator-prey children, she's unsure how smart of an idea it'd be to attempt for a child. Not to mention the low fertility Maxwell has. It'd be rather difficult for them to conceive a child together, but Aura would love to try for at least one more child in her lifetime.

Did Maxwell's family react well to Aura? Why or why not?

Unfortunately, Maxwell's other mother, Hayami, and biological older brother, Jaimes, are dead. So they don't have any reactions towards Aura coming into the family. However, Maxwell and Shadow have both stated that both Hayami and Jaimes would be very welcoming of Aura into the family.

Beatrice suffers from Alzheimer's, so her opinion is constantly repeated whenever she's reminded of their relationship. She seems to absolutely love that Maxwell and Aura are a couple, although she's quick to remind them of the sickliness of mixed species children. This constant reminder does contribute to Aura's hesitation towards having any more kids.

Shadow, of course, is happy as long as his brother is happy. Shadow and Aura did attempt to date once before, but it just didn't work out. He thinks she was a much better match for Maxwell then himself anyways, and actually used to tell Aura she should've fought against Camilla for Maxwell's affection. He'd often tell both of them they were truly a match made in Paradise. Aura likes to tease him and tell him he only wishes she fought harder so he'd have gotten with Camilla, but he's always been quick to shut that idea down. 

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