Alex's pov.

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You run through the crowded forest, trees Surrounding you from every direction, your boots making rough imprints in the woodland floor.

You have to get home before nightfall.

As you run, another sound fills your ears, loud groans come from behind you, along with another pair of footsteps.

You run as fast as you can, avoiding the terrifying creatures behind you, your hunger is starting to overwhelm you.

You pause for a second to catch your breath, but you quickly have to start running again as an arrow shoots past your head.

You must escape them.

While running you spot a cave in your peripheral vision, you quickly turn and dart for the cave, narrowly missing another arrow.

You venture into the cave, hoping those monsters didn't see you.

Your body froze, hearing that unmistakable hissing sound..


Your back at your spawnpoint, you'll have to start your journey again

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2023 ⏰

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