Morning; Day 1

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Artemisia sat up in her bed, the room engulfed in the dark before the morning sun rose. She summoned a little ball of flame to be her light and got out of bed. Her bags were already packed with her supplies that she would need. Including a sword gifted by her uncle the day before. She took a quick bath and got dressed. Before grabbing her bag and hoisting it over her shoulder and walking to the dining hall where her parents waited. 

Breakfast had already been laid out and her parents looked tired as they talked over their tea. Artemisia plopped her bag down as she sat in the chair and made herself a plate. All of her favorites, sticky buns, bacon, eggs, fruit, cheese, potatoes and bread were laid out before her. "You do know I'm not leaving forever, right?" she asked her parents and Lilly scoffed, scowling into her cup. Orazio sighed and placed a hand on Lillys arm which she jerked away. Artemisia furrowed her brows "what's wrong?" she asked, and Lilly stood up and left, leaving her daughter with a bewildered look as she turned to her father. "What's wrong?" she asked him, and her stomach tightened. Orazio looked at his daughter and sighed "she's had dreams ever since you said you would go. They show you chained, unhappy, surrounded by children and dressed in silks. They show a man with fair hair and eyes, bringing his sword down upon our necks. They show darkness, and death and torment for all of us. And in the center of it all is a shining star." He concluded finishing his plate. Artemisia ate in silence and stood when she was done. "I'm going to talk to her." she said and hugged her father goodbye. 

She found her mother in her bedroom, staring into the fire. "Do not tell me goodbye" her mother said in hollowed voice. Artemisia stood there, dumbfounded at her mother's turn of emotions. "I need to go, I already promised i'd". She stopped when her mother turned, her face a mask of stone and grief. "They do not need you to protect them!" she shouted and covered her mouth with her hands. She sobbed "please my daughter," she begged "I have never had dreams that felt like they were warnings. I've never had Niadgohar send me dreams that felt as if they were telling me something. You need to reconsider, or your fate would be worse out of ours." she cried softly, and Artemisia crossed the room to hug her mother. "I will never let anything happen to you." she whispered in an attempt to comfort her mother. "I know, and I am proud of you. Of the woman who you promise to become. But it is not me and your father I am worried about." she pulled out of her daughters embrace "it is you, the man I saw intends to make you his mistress by consent or force. If you see him," she handed her daughter a miniature she painted "I want you to avoid him at all costs." Artemisia took the Miniature and studied it. The man it depicted had fair hair that fell down his shoulders and blue eyes. His eyes (her mother always had a knack for capturing the emotions in eyes). Were cold and cruel and cunning. Her stomach twisted as she pocketed the painting and hugged her mother. "I love you and I will do what I can to be safe." she promised and felt her mother's arm wrap around her. Returning every ounce of affection her daughter gave her. "I know you will, its others whom I don't trust." she kissed the top of her daughters' head and turned back to the fire. Artemisia left, the fire in the hearth turning a bright shade of blue that lasted until she was gone. 

Artemisia walked through the streets of her home. She had no idea how long she would be gone. But she had enough supplies to last her a week. Gwydion had said their sponsor would supply them with what they needed. She walked to the rendezvous, the sky just beginning to lighten at the edge as she reached the fountain where Gwydion, Athena, and another man waited. Gwydion saw her approaching first and waved. The man turned to face her, and she stopped dead in her tracks. The man had removed his hood and golden hair fell over his shoulders. Blue eyes in a handsome face blank with coldness and cruelty. The man in her mother's painting, surely, he couldn't be a threat. Not if Gwydion and Athena took the job. 

The man offered his hand, gloved in embroidered leather. To shake and Artemisia took it gently as Gwydion introduced him. "Sir Callistus Borgia, this is Artemisia Dupree. Daughter of my friend Orazio Dupree, and his apprentice. And with luck, our key weapon against the wraiths." Callistus eyed her with curiosity. "You recruited a child?" he asked looking at Gwydion with contempt that made the old professor squirm. "We recruited a completely capable combatant who's innate abilities can give us an edge on what were about to face for your sake" Athena clipped. "Her knowledge and experience helping her father has given her control. And thanks to your kind generosity on getting the crystals I asked for. She may very well be able to stay out of the thick of it." She turned to Artemisia and embraced her young friend with warmth. "I couldn't ask your parents to let us put you in danger without ensuring a way to keep you out. Even the young ones of the army are usually instructed to stay out of the thick of battle. Keeping them busy by ensuring our supplies is kept well stocked." Artemisia blinked at the exchange and Athena saw two others approaching them. "Lyra! Fenryr!" Artemisia cried out and hugged the two mages. Lyra was a wind mage and Fenryr was an earth mage and shape shifter. They hugged her back "Hey, you excited to be on the front lines with us?" Fenryr said smiling wickedly and Lyra smacked the back of his head. "Vis should be at the sight already, you know how impatient bird brain is" Lyra said to Gwydion who nodded. "Then let us be on our way" he said and went to a darkened alleyway. 

Artemisia looked into the dark as it condensed into a dark doorway. Callistus stood beside her, the bulk of his frame looming over her like a bear. Gwydion stepped through first, followed by Athena, Lyra, Fenryr, Artemisia went next and Callistus followed close behind. The fort of Callagor loomed over them. The sound of wraiths echoing from behind it. Artemisia felt her stomach drop as if she was falling from a high place. "Ok" her voice came out meekly and she gripped the hilt of her new sword. "What do you need me to do?" she asked Athena who guided her to a crate filled with clear quartz crystals. Fenryr came up beside them, rolling up his sleeves. "I need you to imbue these crystals with your fire magic, and for Fen to turn them into arrowheads. can you do that?" she asked Artemisia who had paled considerably. Artemisia looked at the crate and back at Athena. "Yes" she confirmed and plopped down her bag.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2023 ⏰

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