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MALALA yousafazai is a Pakistani education activist and the 2014 noble peace prize laureate at the young age of 17...she is the world's youngest noble peace prize laureate, the second Pakistani  and the first pasthun to receive noble prize...she is a female education activist..the daughter of education activist ziauddin yousafazai,  she was  born to a  yousafazai pasthun family  in swat and was named after the afghan folk heroine malalai of maiwand..
Considering Abdul Gaffar khan, Barack Obama and Benazir bhutto as her role models..on 9 October,  2012 while she was on a bus in swat district after an taking an exam, yousafazai and the other two girls were shot by  taliban gunman in an assassination attempt targeting her for her Activism.....after ten days, In a medically induced coma, yousafazai woke up in hospital in Birmingham,  England.....she  had suffered no major damage but the left side of her face was paralyzed...and she would required many reparative surgeries and rehabilitation... the Pakistani taliban were internationally denounced by government,  human Rights organization and feminist groups..after her recovery , yousafazai became a prominent activist for right to education....malala became an international symbol of the fight for girl's education....malala along with Indian children's right activist Kailash satyarthi was named a noble prize the young age of 17, she became the youngest person to win this prize...INTERNATIONAL MALALA DAY is observed every year  on 12 celibrate the life and legacy of Pakistani education activist and noble laureate  malala..In one of her speech she said " it is( her Revolution) for those frightened children who want is for those voiceless children who want changes...I am here to stand up for their Rights,  to raise their is not time to pity is the time to take it becomes the last time that we see a child deprived of education..." and further she said " as far as I know, a
I am just a committed and even stubborn person who wants to see every child getting education,  who wants to see women having equal Rights..and who wants peace in every corner of the world 🌎"..........thank you malala jii for raising your voice for upliftment of women and for educating would always be remembered for your Revolution,  hardwork,  dedication and determination 💓....every women and every person who wants peace in the world would be obliged to you 💙 ...THANK YOU....By Rishika 🙏🙏💐💐

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2023 ⏰

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