Blondie's birthday

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===Third person POV===

Phillip Pirrup or more commonly known as Pip was never someone in the middle of attention even when he was making fun of, people just never really give a fuck about him ever since he was in grade 4th, the problem was so serious it leaded to him being crushed by Mecha-Streisand and died yet no one seems to even remember it except one person.

In the begining of school (kinda) he was able to make friend with a nice (not really) fellow named Damien. Damien was just some kind of young all in black kid who send the message of his father to Jesus, in the end, Satan won everyone's money since they all bet in Satan because of his huge build and only Satan vote for Jesus, in other words, Satan planned the whole thing up. Damien was a new kid in school so no one hang out with him, except little old Pip. In the end of the day, Damien blew Pip up to get to be friends with the other kids but of course Damien have to leave afterwards since his father's work was finished.

Damien walked on the porch step with his eyes stuck downwards, not even looking at anything else. He sighed 'Great, now I'm back at step one' He thought as he waked behind his big red father. "Hey son, what seem to be the matter?" - Satan asked lovingly as he counted the money he's won, even though he is the prince of darkness, he still loves his little son. "Thanks to you now I turned back to having no friend! Each time we go somewhere it's always like this!" Damien said as he folded his arms. "Oh? But isn't that your friend? And I'm sorry dear, we'll come back here some time later alright sweat heart?" - Satan said, glancing and smiled at Damien before the son shot his head upwards "Wait, what friend?". Satan pointed at a girly looking British boy with shoulder length blonde hair, blue eyes, black ripped bow, red coat, blue shorts, purple striped socks, brown beret and a pair of black shoes walking clumsily on the other side of the road. "Pip" Damien said to his father as the stare at the blonde. Almost like in an instant, Pip turned to the Antichrist and waved, causing the male in black to unconsciously waved back before his father started to chuckle. "W-what?!" - he growled at his father with his high pitched voice. "Oh nothing~ Oh here comes the small bo- Hi son~~" Satan said as he waved at the blonde who was running towards them then stopped in front of Damien and Satan. "Good to see you again Damien! Good day Lucifer sir!" - Pip greeted politely as he nodded his head as a greeting to Satan. "Oh don't worry dear. Be nice to your friend okay Damien?" - Satan said as he sat down on a bench nearby and counted his money. "Hi... Sorry for er... blowing you up... and such..." - Damien said awkwardly as he rubbed the back of his neck. Pip shook his head as he smiled cutely as usual "No biggy! You are going now?" - Pip asked as he glanced at the prince of darkness. Damien nodded "Yea but I'll be back.. one day or another.. at least that's what my dad said." - Damien said as he stare at the dirty blonde. Pip smiled again "I hope we meet again then!" - the blonde said happily as he hugged his longly friend then waved goodbye. "Y-yea! S-See ya! I SHALL BRING DESTRUCTION TO THE REST OF THE WORLD! Then I'll be back in South Park" - Damien said in his dramatic voice then started pulling his father. "We are going back in South Park one day or another, right?" Damien asked as he got further and further away from the still waving blonde. "If you want to honey" - Satan said as he smiled to his son. 'Yea... Yea... We are going back soon...'

Just like he promised, Damien would come back to South Park briefly for an hour or two, sometimes he was able to talk with Pip, most of the time just observe the poor blonde then secrectly punish some who dare do that. As for Pip, he sense someone was always there for him, always there to protect him, to keep him safe and he was always grateful for that. He didn't know who it was for the first few weeks but when people started to harass him less, he started to want to know who helped him so he stuck around one time after school to see who the person is. "Who the fuck are you dude?!" one of the boy who bullied Pip yelled at a boy dressed in all black. "I AM DAMIEN! I CAME FROM THE SEVENTH LEVEL OF HELL AND I'M HERE TO PUNISH YOU!" a familiar high pitched voice shouted as the black hair boy turned the two into ugly weird looking ducks "SAY: I SHALL NEVER BULLY PIP AGAIN!" the two animals quacked the line then was turned to normal, both were pale and mortified of the boy in black "IF YOU BREAK THAT PROMISE YOU WILL SUFFER MUCH WORST PUNISHMENT!" was the last line the familiar dramatic high voice said before turned around and disappear. Pip gasped as the male's face was seen just a split second before his protector disappear. Pip smiled whispered "Damien" softly before he ran the opposite way to where his bullies were to get back to his house. His parents died, he live with his foster parents, thanks to his secret protector, they slowly treated him better too.

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