Adventure Awaits

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A lone adventurer climbed to the top of a hill. Sweat gleamed on his sun - kissed skin as his amethyst eyes shined with a sense of accomplishment, while his golden hair blew in the wind. His red-haired companion climbed up after him and stood to his right side. The two companions glanced down over the entirety of the capital kingdom known as Acridomia. The Royal palace shined in all of its glory from the hilltop on the other side of the large capital city.

"We did it Aleks! We finally made it to the top of the hill! I can even see the castle from here. Mother and Father would be... well actually, they wouldn't be very proud. I skipped out on my etiquette lessons and the planning of the Royal Ball in order to climb this hill. They're also probably worried about me as well. We have been gone for a week, haven't we?" The golden-haired adventurer smiled sheepishly at his companion.

A sigh left Alek's mouth. His full name was actually Aleksander Lican. However, the crowned prince, otherwise known as his best friend, liked to call him Aleks.

"Nathan, we really shouldn't constantly worry your parents. You have to take over the kingdom one day, and you can't do that if you're off going on adventures. I love going with you, but sometimes I worry that following along will get me sent to the dungeons. A knight can only get away with so much."

The crowned prince, now known as Nathan, just smiled once more at his best friend, and laughed.

"Aleks, there isn't any need to worry. You are my best friend and one day I'll have you be my Royal Advisor. Mother and Father cannot take away any of your roles because they know it will only cause me to rebel more. They trust you to watch over me when I go on these adventures. So don't worry so much about how they will react. Now, how about we race down the hill? Last one back to the castle has to make the other a batch of chocolate singrie berry cookies."

With those words spoken, Nathan was gone with the wind. 

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