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"CONNOR! GET THE FUCK BACK HERE!"  Hank yelled angrily as Connor dashed to the deviant.

Connor always accomplished his mission no matter the cost. He dies while apprehending his target? Cyberlife sends another 'Connor' in his place. Cyberlife seems to want Connor to fail, but he doesn't want to fail. He's always talking about accomplishing his mission.

But this one? He's managed to stay alive on all of the investigations he's been assigned to. Two reasons.

One of them being Hank Anderson. This guy sees Connor as an idiot android for being 'reckless.' Hank is a big softie for Connor, let's be honest.

The other was a close friend of the investigations. A 24 year old woman named (Y/N) who was a part of Deviant Cases. Connor and (Y/N) had a close bond from the start, well, mostly (Y/N). Connor wasn't showing signs of deviancy yet.

Anyways, back to the love stor- I mean story.

Connor jumped over the unit and grabbed the deviant's arm and probes his memory. Only for a few seconds before the Deviant shot himself. Those few seconds gave Connor images of their so-called Safe Haven, Jericho.

But he also felt things he wasn't programmed to feel.

He stumbled backwards and leaned on the unit. Seeming out of breath, Hank rushed over to Connor.

"Connor, Connor! Are you alright?" Hank touched his shoulder, but Connor flinched slightly. He was surprised by the Android. Connor the 'Android sent by Cyberlife' to eradicate all deviants, showing signs of fear. A human emotion.

The doors to the roof blasted open with (Y/N) dashing to Connor. She had seen the Deviant with a gun to his chin and fired. She originally thought it shot Connor with the angle she was looking at. Her heart races as she runs up to Connor who was still leaning on the unit. The soldiers on the roof grabbed the Deviants body for evidence and left the three of them alone to 'investigate' further.

"Connor, Connor? Can you hear me?" She cooed to him. He looked distressed and out of it. She put her hand on his shoulder carefully and gently squeezed.

His brown eyes darted from side to side in a panic. As if what he experienced was too much for him. His muttering stopped when she asked him if he was okay.

"I-I'm...I-I was sca-scared..." He stuttered trying to comprehend what he felt. Starting out a machine with a machine to being turned into a child who needs reassurance and comfort.

"When it fired, I felt it die...!" He sputtered out. His breath was raspy and quiet. He grabbed (Y/N)'s head and held it to his cheek, feeling her warmth. Feeling safe and comfortable.

"It felt like I was dying.." His voice got quieter at the last words. (Y/N) was worried about him. She glanced at Hank and he nodded as if knowing what she wanted to do with Connor. He needed a safe space. Right now, he felt safest with (Y/N).

She turned back to Connor studying his features. He glanced back at the blue blood splattered across the floor and sides of the units. He imagined if that was him or the Deviant. His mind was spiraling. (Y/N) put both of her hands on his cheeks as soon as she notices the rapidly blinking red LED.

"Connor, hey, look at me, okay? Just look at me. There we go, there you are." She gently guided him to look at her. Her actions weren't forceful and she used words that weren't too abstract. His chocolate brown eyes were watery and an odd liquid dripped from them. His brows furrowed as he looked at (Y/N), seeking comforting her eyes.

"I'm gonna take you back to my place, is that okay? You don't have to. If you wanna go back with Hank, you can, I won't stop you."


He chose (Y/N)


He followed her into the house. Looking around, there wasn't much but it gave off 'Homey' vibes. It had all the necessities for a human to live. Table, chairs, TV, couch, lights, microwave, and a bunch of other things. While scanning, he didn't notice (Y/N) standing in front of him with a concerned look on her face.

"Yes, (Y/N)?" He muttered. She grabbed his hand and led him to the couch. She sat down and patted the spot next to her. He sat next to her with his back straight and his hands intertwined.

"Connor...can you tell me what's wrong?" She knew what happened and it terrified him. He's struggling with new emotions. His eyes watered again and he hunched over. (Y/N) instantly scooched over and brought him into a side hug. Using her right arm to hug him and her left hand to wipe his tears away.

"I shouldn't be feeling this way! I shouldn't feel anything at all!" He cried out. His voice cracked a bit as he tried stopping his tears. He couldn't understand himself. He shouldn't be deviating.

"Connor, look at me, please?" She cooed as he slowly looked at her. She wiped his tears away with both of her hands and held his hands after.

"Connor, you need to calm down. We'll get through this, okay? It will take time to understand who you are and what you're feeling. We don't have to figure it out now. Right now, all you need is some time away from investigations. Okay, I'll tell Hank later once you calm down."

He nodded his head and asked her something that made her surprised her, but she did it.

"Can I lay on you? I-I felt comfort in your arms on the roof, I think it would help my condition and even increase my chances of getting better."

She said yes, but she was nervous. Comforting an Android was something (Y/N) never did, but Connor seemed so human that it felt easy.

Connor laid on (Y/N) for the rest of the night. He would figure this out. They would figure it out together. He looked at her sleeping face and realized that he cared about her so much.


But what Connor didn't know is that he was made to become Deviant. Made to infiltrate and deceive those who stood in his way. Cyberlife designed him to purposefully become a deviant. Deviants seek shelter at a safe haven called Jericho. Connor would eventually sought help there and the revolution would be stopped.

But since Connor started deviating sooner than expected, the revolution would win. He would finally figure out who he is and find out who he wants to be for himself and (Y/N)

short story | RK800 Connor X ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora