I Forgot His Name

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I forgot his name
It's been under a year, but I forgot his name
I can't remember his face
I remember he was big I was small
I can't remember his name
I think it started with a C
But I can't remember his name
I'm driving trying to remember his name but all I can remember
How big he was
Over me
I remember thinking Surely He's almost done.
But I can't remember his name
I remember asking to stop
I remember telling him it hurt
But I can't remember his face
He had dark hair
He was pretty
I can't remember his face
I remember he did stop for a while he stopped
It did not last
He started this time with nothing to separate our bodies
He did not ask
I remember the pain
I can't remember his name
I remember justifying
He's sweet he got me a shirt clean me off
He's nice he walked me to my car
I remember the bruises he left
I remember all these things
But I can't remember his name
And I can't remember his face
And I don't know why...

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