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Liliya has always held a type of resentment towards Rozaliya, ever since she took all of the attention from Liliya. It's not like Liliya wanted alot of attention, no, but instead she simply sits idly as her sister basks in the attention and adoration from everyone. Her hair color is appealing, she's more expressive, she.. just completely looks better. Why can't Liliya be the same way?

They're twins, and now Liliya wishes they were identical twins- so that she could be confused for her atleast and get some attention for once in her life. 

Rozaliya has always protected her, like as if shes some guardian. It makes Liliya upset, because, it just makes it to where Rozaliya is always one step ahead of her- reaching all the people who might have talken to Liliya if Rozaliya wasn't standing infront of her, picking up every small piece of attention. Even if people did talk to Liliya, it was to ask about questions that people were too scared or embarrassed to ask Rozaliya. 

Everything was about her. Never about Liliya. Not even small talk- it was just, Rozaliya this, Rozaliya that. Sometimes it was so unbearable that Liliya would snap at them, shouting words no one else seemed to understand but her.

Rozaliya was completely oblivious to the way Liliya is treated, too. Often, Liliya is checked up on after she lashes out, her sister thinking she got one of those waves of tiredness again. But, no. Every time she did that, the bubble was closer to bursting. Liliya hated it. Sometimes she wishes the tiredness would happen already, so that she could hopefully run away from her. But, Rozaliya always came traveling back to Liliya and pestering her with questions about how she feels. Liliya really fights the urge to day something like, "I was fine until i had to see your face again." Its truthful.

Just seeing Rozaliya makes sparks ignite in Liliya's mind. She hates her, oh so much. She wished she looked like her. She wished she acted like her, she wished she was her. She didn't hate Rozaliya in herself, but instead hated her for being popular, for being often the only person she truely holds conversations with.

Sometimes Liliya would draw in her notebook she kept in a drawer. The drawings turned into scribbles. Into rips in the paper. Into multiple pages torn out and scattered across the room. Into tears.

The torn pages, scribbles of Rozaliya. It made her feel worse drawing her, and yet she still tried. She tried drawing herself, Liliya. She hated the way she looked. She felt disappointed in herself when she looked in the mirror.

Why couldn't she be like Rozaliya? Why can't she be social? Why can't she be liked by everyone? Why can't she be liked by herself?

Why can't she be anything good?

She looks horrible. She looks sicker than she feels. She looks ugly.

She prefers to leave a blank space where her face is meant to be.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2023 ⏰

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