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As if the girls and i weren't  lucky enough already. Let's just say, BTS ...well our
' mentors ' , put in a good word for us .

This , was a new bridge I had to cross. Being a black girl on such a show would ofcourse have it's difficulties... maybe even worse than camp itself.

Yet! i was prepared. I mean , I'd got my "friends" by my side .

"WHITE CLOVER! ", Would make it "Big" someday and we'd become even better than our predesesors .

The contest wasn't for the faint of heart . The judges were the best of the best . They were they expected "Perfection" . Nothing more , nothing less.

Yet again, it seemed the goddess of " luck and fortune" was on my side.

From the tough "Auditions!", to the tedious "Challenges!" that pushed us out of our comfort zone. To the rigorous "Dance practices!" and "Performances!"..."Vocal training!"..."Song scoring!"... "Constant  criticism!"...and even through a "Sudden death round!"

The girls and i, pulled through.

I didn't know how scary it was to be on camera. Having a camera always on you at all times was actually nerve racking. I always had to make sure I acted properly and said the right things.
Say just enough to get me through the interview, and say less when it would count.

The contest really was a huge
"Milestone" and for the most part . It was business all through, but ofcourse we still  had some fun along the way.

I will never forget the scare we got.
After a performance I'd nearly been disqualified. My heart raced to the point where if felt like I'd get a stroke right there and then. But it all turned out to be a hoax!

It was something done to,  heighten the anticipation and thrill of the show. I'm not sure they knew...all they did was give me Anxiety!
They got my blood pumping I'll give em that.


After the long journey. The show was coming to an end as all things in life, and "White Clover" had made it to the 'Finale'. Against all odds. Battling none other than my nemesis. Luna's group..
"STAR 3!"

I hated to admit it , but Luna's group was incredible. The ironic thing was that , she too, was seen as one of the best in summer camp , which we went to 9months before.

Now here we were. Going up against each other.
Head to head!

There were four groups performing at the Finale..first, with the highest number of votes and largest fan base was...

" Star 3!"

coming in second was

"White clover!"

Then the others were
" 1life and i.knonik ! "

Then came the commencement of the show, it was being streamed all over the internet.

I was sure even my family was watching. Oh boy, i could feel the butterflies fluttering in my stomach..but as usual. I had to suck it up.

The only difference this time was my friends were also nervous, correction..they were shaking in their knees.

" I.konik and 1life " had performed before any of us and they did great.

Afterwards was Luna's group. Alright! saying they did well, was an Understatement! However, my group and I didn't have a single shread of fear in us.

We'd worked hard...too hard. And it was time for us ,
* To prove we belonged!*

MY K.POP JOURNEY [UNDER EDITING] Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora