The spill

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It was supposed to be a normal day for amor and the others
Amor: Hehehhe just wait till i turn the bib gang into babies it would be AMAZING!!!
Today amor was trying to make his creations in babies for no reason
Bob pov: Hmm i yt what amor's doing
He walks to amor's room to hear him laughing
Bob: What the
He opens the door
Bob: Hey amor!
He falls over and spills his whole potion on him
Amor: Agh Bob don't scare me like that!
Bob: Oops sorry
He helps amor up
Amor: Aww man now its all over me!
Bob: What is that?
Amor: Well it's a potion that turns people into babies forever almost unless they find a cure
Bob: Uhhh
Amor: Huh oh god......Bob you might want to tell the others!
Bob: Uh okay!
Bob left
Amor pov: Oh god....
With bib
Bob: GUYS!!
Bobal: What?
Boweav: So is he?...
Bob: Yes he's turning into a baby
Everyone was quiet
Bosia: WHAT!!!!
Bob: Yeah which means we have to help him since he helps us!
Bofo: Well we should go watch him them
Bob: Yeah-
They heard a baby crying
Bobal: Oh sh8t....
Bob: We got to go
He runs to amor's room
Bob: AMOR!- OMFG!!!!
When he opens the door he sees this cute little baby boy

Amor: Bobby!!!!
Bob: Oh wait right
He walks to amor and picks him up
Bob: Omg your so tiny and cute-
Amor bites bob's finger
Bob: OW!
Bosip: Bob you okay??
Bob: No he bit me
Bosip: Awe he's so cute
Bosip looks at amor
Amor: SHARKWY!!!!

He puts his tiny hands up for bosip
Bosip: Awe
He grabs amor
Bosia: Come on Bob
Bob: Okay
They walked out
Amor: Sharkwy!
Boweav: OMG HE'S SO CUTE!!!!!!!!
Bobal: Meh
Amor :<
Amor tiny body was just so cute
Amor: Mw hungry!
Boweav: CAN I!-
Bofo: No boweav
Boweav: Can i help him just in case
Bob: Guys
Bosip: Sure
Bob: Guys....
Boweav: YAY!!!
Bob: GUYS!!!
Bobot: Yeah?
Bob: We don't have baby stuff or food or anything!
Boder: ( Guess we have to go to the store ) .-.
Bob: Yeah come on guys
Everyone: Okay
Bosip: Boder do you want to hold amor?
Boder: ( Uhhh sure! )
Bosia gives boder amor
Amor: SPIDER YAY!!!!
Boder :)
They all got in the car
Bob: So bosip we need to get all these stuff we can sell it when he's back to normal
Bosip: Alright
Amor: Mhhh....
Bofo: Hm?
He sees amor falling asleep
Bofo: Boder look
Boder: ( Huh? )
He looks at amor
Boder: ( Oh! )
He puts amor on his hand put so where he can lay down
Boder: ( He he he! )
Bofo: Awww
After 25 mins
Bosip: Where here!
Bobal: Finally!!!!
Boweav: Let's GO!!!
They walked in
Boder: ( Got to wake him up )
He tickles amor
Amor: Hahaha!!!
He wakes up
Amor: Stowe!!!!!!

Person: Awe he's so tiny and cute!!! even that one with the light blue hair!!!
Boweav: Ooo there's the baby food!!!
Bob: Thanks boweav
Bob grabs the baby food
After 5 hours of shopping

Boweav: Finally were done
Bobot: ........It felt like 10 mins-
Bobal: IT BEEN 5 HOURS!!!!
Bobot: Oh.....
Bob: Blah blah blah now lets go to the car
Bosia: Okay okay
Amor: Fowd....
Amor was really hungry
Bob: Don't worry we will get home
They got in the car and started driving home
Amor: Bibwt!!!
Bobal: He wants me or Bobot
Amor: BIBWT!!!
Bob: He wants Bobot!
Boder: ( Here Bobot! )
He gives amor to Bobot
Bobot: Thanks...
Amor: Hahaha bibwt!!!
Bobot pov: Hahahahaha!
Bobot chuckle
Bobal pov: I never seen him do that before
After 25 mins they were hone for dinner
Bob: Well time to eat dinner
They order pizza
Bosip: The like e was long to but stuff we had to find another store for baby toys and we can not find a car seat!!!
Boweav: Can amor have some?
Bofo: Only a lite we still need him alive and healty
Bob: I'll cut it
Bob cuts amor a tiny slice kinda big but tiny for him to eat
Amor: Thwnk yiu!!!
Bob: Your welcome
Bob sits down
Amor trys to eat his pizza slice but his hands were to tiny....

( Yeah i know i am a bad drawler )
Boweav: His hands are to tiny!!!!
Bosip: I'll help him
Bosip grabs his pizza and puts it up to amor's tiny tiny mouth so he can eat it
Amor: Yummy thwnk you!!!
Bosip: Your welcome
After 15 mins of eating and talking everyone was done
Bob: Omg i am tired
He gets up
Bosip: It' s time for a bath!!!!
Amor: Bwth!!!
Amor tried to get up but he was grabbed by bob
Amor: Noooo!!!
Bob: Hahahahahhaha!!!
Bob walks to the bathroom
Bob: Thank god we got you baby cloths
Bib u dresses amor
Bob: Let me put this in
He puts a baby protection in the tub
Amor: Bobby noo!
He puts amor on the tub
Amor: Waaaa!
Bob; Oh no is it to hot?!
He feels the water
Amor: Gwt you!
He grabs Bob by the cheeks
Bob: Ah! yah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah ha!!!!
Bosip pov: omg he's so cute!!!
He watches Bob
Amor: Are we done yet?
Bob: Yes almost let me just get this-
He sees a scar on his back
Bob: Hold up
He dries his hands and grabs His phone to take a picture when he sees some more scars but the one on his back looks like a monster scar...
Bob takes pictures
Amor: Bobby!!!
Bob: Yes?
Amor: Are we done
Bob: Now we are....
He gets Ami out into some clean clothes after he dries's him
Bob: Bed time! Want a bedtime story?
Amor: No but can i have the tv on?
Bob: Sure
Amor little feet walks to his too his room in his socks
Bob pov: Omg his little feet
When they got to his room he lays down in bed while the tv was turn on to some Minecraft videos of them and the Bob gang and him but when he was older
Amor: Night!! Dad!!!!
Bob: Uhhh good night!!
He left and turns in a night light they got
Amor: I love these people playing games
Words ( 1092 )

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