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Jedi Master Nastra Dulb cautiously ventured through the deep undergrowth of the moon called Yavin IV. The foliage of the trees and the thickness of the bushes kept him and his men, the 313th Regiment, hidden from the prying eyes of their enemy, the Separatists. The wildlife of the forest and the rustle of leaves in the wind muted out all sound of the Jedi and clones advancing to their objective.

The Jedi Council have received word that Separatist scientists have been shipped to the forest moon, conducting some type of research on the ancient massassi temples scattered across the moon. The Council has sent Master Dulb and his clone troopers to the planet to capture any scientists and information they could find.

Nastra stopped dead in his tracks and put his hand up, and the clones halted and crouched down. The Jedi can sense the dark side aurora that surrounded the nearby temple, meaning it will have both droids and scientists surrounding the structure.

Nastra motioned Commander Plaz, the commander of the 313th, to move up to the Jedi Master. Plaz, his Phase II armor completely covered in camouflage, moved up to the Jedi to a small ridge that overlooked the ancient temple.

Commander Plaz pulled out his electrobinoculars and surveyed the area, zooming in to get a better view of the temple. After a minute or two Nastra suddenly sensed a stir in the clone commander.

Nastra didn't bring his Jedi issued macrobinoculars, but he tried to make out what Plaz was seeing. The droids are there, but something was wrong with them. They weren't moving, nor did they appear standing. Plaz lowers the electrobinoculars, "Take a look sir."

Plaz hands the electrobinoculars to the Jedi. Nastra looked through the device and zoomed in on the temple. All around the ancient building there were droids laying on the ground. Battle droids, super battle droids, droidekas, even commando Droids were around the temple, still in their formations. Nastra knew he and his men would have had a hard time taking out the droids if they were activated.

Nastra hands back the electrobinoculars and activates the comlink on his left arm, "All troops, approach the temple, slowly."

As one the 313th began approaching the ridge and slid down, their blaster sights never leaving their visors. Nastra force leaped in the air and landed on the ground below before he thumbed the activation on his lightsaber. The yellow blade ignited from the hilt and Nastra stayed alert to his surroundings as he slowly approached the droids.

He reached out to the force and tried to sense anything out of place, but felt nothing, only the dark side aurora that radiated from the temple. With a last look around the Jedi deactivated his lightsaber and hinged it back onto his belt.

Why are all the droids deactivated? he thought.

"Sir," a clone said. Nastra turned and saw the clone kneeling down at a battle droid, "These droids are showing no sign of damage."

"Yes I know," Nastra replies.

The Jedi knelt down at another battle droid. It looked unharmed, as if it was told to shut down. But that was unlikely, if a battledroid were to shut down it would crouch on the ground and be on standby. These droids were laying in a heap, as if something electrical has killed them. The Jedi snapped his head up, "Could an EMP blast have shut them down?"

The clone fiddled with the droid until he was able to expose it's circuitry. After carefullyinspecting the electronics inside he said, "No sir. None of the circuitry in this droid have been fried."

Nastra stood up, "Sargent, you and half of the men will inspect these droids, find out why they're deactivated."

"Yes sir," the Sargent replied. Nastra turns to Commander Plaz, "Commander, sweep the area, search for any of the scientists and equipment."

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