Chapter 25: The Human and Demon

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The constant tap of something hitting my forehead caused me to wake up.

"Blue leave her alone."

Taking notice of the stern voice, I felt the weight on my chest lift off followed by a light breeze. I started opening my eyes being met with a window that was kept open letting the cool breeze in as I could see the moon up above giving enough light to the city as the clouds kept apart to provide such light.
Then it hit me.

Springing up without thinking caused the pain in my arm to shoot through my upper body as I grunted. All that had occurred earlier came back, all the memories and weird shit that happened I recalled in an instant.
"Good you're up, just calm down and lean back into the pillows. I'm almost done," the voice from before spoke as I turned to the presumed direction seeing Lucia now wearing a white tank and black shorts with her hair still in its usual low ponytail but wasn't accompanied by the beanie she wore.
But with it gone I could finally see her ears. They weren't a normal round shape, they were pointed and just looked fake. At least for a moment, It did till it flickered and flapped randomly indicating they were real.
And that spell and other shit she did before was most likely real.

A random, small yet explosive, puff of smoke appeared making me jump and turn my attention to what Lucia was doing. In front of her was a small cauldron, a literal cauldron, with it shining a light blue color before turning to a more turquoise color. Taking the time given I looked around seeing just how weird her room was.

It was cluttered and littered with clothes on the ground, including the bloodied ones from before,  as her desk and table were covered in... witchcraft things I couldn't explain. They were very intricate and clearly were used for something. Besides the tools of sorts, there were also plenty of bottles on one spot of the table in front of Lucia all different colors and shapes. Then next over on the other table was a whole area of vegetation, most likely ingredients for whatever.
She clearly wasn't human, a witch or any known species of sorts.
I noticed the desk by the bed that had plenty of notes and books scattered along with a purple glass ball. But above and over the desk, in front of Lucia and her work area was a large corkboard that had notes, pictures of creatures, news clippings, and strings all pinned and marked on top of the whole city map.


Turning right and up the tall dresser next to me I saw the blue jay I've been seeing for a month now perched on top of a birdhouse with him looking down. Out of instinct, I tried to reach for him but my arm sent another shock of pain making me stop. Looking to my arm it was tied with the sleeve still, which was covered with dried blood but also covering a reddish-brown dirt-like substance that was underneath and on top of my cuts seeped into the wound.
Before I could reach for it a hand caught my wrist making me look up seeing Lucia in front.

"It's a healing cream, looks like dirt I know but it is preventing anything from getting in and stopped any further bleeding while I made the... potion...." Lucia said hesitating towards the end before the bird chirped then perched himself on Lucia.

"You know him?" I couldn't help but ask my first question as Lucia nodded. She immediately stood back up from her bent position as she went back to her station transferring blue liquid from the cauldron to a spray bottle.

"Can you stand? I need to take you to the bathroom, it'll get more messy in here if I do it here" She said not being clear about what she was saying.

I just nodded along and followed her out of the bedroom and to the bathroom nearby. It was small cluttered and definitely resembled the twin's bathroom. I took a seat on the closed toilet while Lucia sat on the edge of the bathtub/shower.
Lucia carefully grabbed a rag from behind me, setting it down on my thigh before carefully untying the jean jacket sleeve.
"You okay?" She asked as I could only nod as I bit my tongue from the pain.
"This is gonna fucking hurt just to warn you," she said as she turned to the water from the tub to wet the rag before starting and quickly getting rid of the dirt. Without thinking I grabbed her wrist with my hurt arm where her hand was holding my wrist as I clawed in and looked to the side.

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