The suprise

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I walk down stairs I hear laughing. I look around the corner to see my mum and dad having the time of their lives I walk in and ask "what's going on?" Mum and dad stop they stare at me for a couple of minutes and then start laughing again. Then they stop and turn back to me they say "we have thought about something dear, you know that island that you really want to go to." I answer "yeah. but why are you laughing there's nothing funny about that." then they say "well we are sending you and your brother to Jorvik aren't you excited." I think going to Jorvik yes but wait James to oh no I don't want him to come with and ruin the fun and plus he will just run away anyway he hates horses. I answered
"Yeah of corse I am excited I have always wanted to go to Jorvik but I was hoping to go by myself, I mean not with James just me and my bags."
I saw my mum look at me with disappointment and says something under her breath. I can't really tell what she said but I knew it is bad. I go up to James's room I stomp in an push him off his chair I say "mum and dad is going to send u to Jorvik," James replies "what Nooooooooooooo! I can't go there I hate horses I want to run away u know what I am going to say no,no,no,no,no one million times." I turn out laughing, I ran to my room and grab my suitcases and stuff clothes into it. I run down stairs and my mum pops out from no where and says "James isn't going with he doesn't want to" I run around saying "yes" and then I stop and go have breakfast.

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