『Choi Soobin』

11 1 3

★【City Dates W/ Soobin on a Rainy Day】★

Note: This is one of those really short ones lol. Not really a story, just some little ideas or sumn, There'll probably be quite a few of these


Cute city date in the rain!! Just wandering around, honestly, going into litte bakeries, book stores, cafes, anything you can find that looks nice. You buy each other stuff and ofc he fights it, but you manage and buy him stuff anyway.

Sharing an umbrella with him just sounds so cute?? Especially if you're fairly shorter than him, he'd keep making you stand on the side of him that's closest to the buildings to try and make sure you're not getting too wet with rain. Otherwise, he would have to keep reminding himself to keep it as low as he can, or just giving it to you at some point even if he doesn't want to get all wet.

You'd definitely take a lot of pictures together and he'd ask you first before he posts any of them, asking you if there's any that you don't want him to post. He'd take secret pictures of you doing stuff in the places you two go and you'll only find out about them if he accidentally shows you at some point.

I feel like he would definitely giggle a bunch with you just because he's so happy with you. And if you compliment his smile at all, he's SO going to blush. honestly, he's just so cute, i love him-


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