2 Truths 1 Lie One Shot

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It was late, most of the Hashiras had gone home already. The party had been a success maybe even too successful. Left sitting by the table was the Wind Pillar and the Water Pillar, the both of them have had way to much to drink already but they insisted on staying longer. Giyuu had gotten drunk first and had called Sanemi a pussy for not drinking more, so of course Sanemi saw that as a challenge and that's when the drinking games started.

"What about.....flip cup?" Giyuu took a moment to remember the name of the game.

"No we have done that one already.." Sanemi muttered back drunkenly as he leaned forward to support his arm on the table, almost spilling his drink in the progress. 

Giyuu sighed and finished what he had in his glass before he looked at the white haired man. The water pillars face looked blank and emotionless as always but he had a hint of pink across his cheeks, most likely because of the alcohol. "Well then you come up with one.." He told Sanemi as he grabbed the Saki bottle to refill his glass. 

Sanemi bowed his head and took a deep breath, he should probably stop drinking but he didn't want to be the first one to stop, not after Giyuu calling him a pussy. "Ehhh...." He thought hard on what game they hadn't played yet, the others had gotten tired of their games, since Sanemi and Giyuu gets very invested they more they get into it. 

"Two Truths One Lie" Sanemi quickly said lifting his head up in a swift motion and almost knocked Giyuu's arm. The blue eyed pillar put the Saki down and gave his attention back to Sanemi. 

"How does that work?" 

"It's in the name dumbass!" 

Sanemi grabbed the Saki and refilled his glass as well even if it wasn't completely empty yet. He then turned his body to fully face the other Hashira. "I say two truths about myself along with one lie and you have to figure out which one's the lie, get it wrong and you drink if you get it right then I drink then it's your turn to say something about yourself" The wind pillar explained. 

Giyuu nodded after hearing the explanation. "Seems easy enough" He replied and also moved to face the other fully, the wooden bench creaked lightly at the movement.

"okey..." Sanemi spoke then thought about what to say. "Ohagi is my favorite food..I'm the oldest of 3 and ehh..im twenty-one years old" He watched Giyuu as he waited for the answer, he could see the hint of pink on the others face. He thought it looked cute, it made Giyuu look soft. wait..fuck why was he thinking that!?

Giyuu glanced down while he was thinking, his eyes trailing the others body by accident. It got him distracted until he remembered he was suppose to answer. "Ehm...the lie is the age" he couldn't think clearly at the moment and honestly had no clue what to say.

A wide grin grew on Sanemi's lips, letting out a low chuckle as the water pillar had guessed wrong. "Nope, that's wrong now you drink" He told the other who sighed deeply before taking a shot of Saki. 

They continued like that for a while, but eventually the Saki was out which meant game over. Sanemi wasn't really keeping score but if he remembered correctly he had answered more right than Giyuu had. The water pillar wasn't amused at his defeat, but it seemed like Sanemi knew him better than he thought or he was just a good guesser. 

"This game sucks" Giyuu spoke and placed his empty glass on the table, he shook his head to try and shake the drunkenness off but it just made him feel dizzy.

"You are just a sore loser!" Sanemi laughed at him, he could admit he was pretty buzzed at that moment. Giyuu had drunken more than him during the game, still having that pink flushed face. Sanemi most likely showed signs of drunkenness too but he didn't care. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2023 ⏰

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