CH.1 - Athena Theodora Potter

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Athena Theodora Potter. Her new name, she finds it quite fitting considering in history she is known for her knowledge, wisdom, justice, and her unique gifts.

James Charles Potter. Lily Ariel Potter nee Evans.

Her new parents welcomed her into their family ignorant of their fates being set into motion, sealing their lives to an angelic devil, eating away their hearts, where their souls are poured into the glass of wine, waiting for Death and Fate to consume them.

But regardless of that fact, it didn't change anything, she still thought of them as puppets unseemly begging for their untimely death, just waiting for Death to claim their souls, for they are just one of the many they are beyond the living.

She misses Sal. His voice. His soft smile only reversed for her eyes. His devilish smirk when he wins. His adorable frown when he can't solve something. His cute pout when she doesn't unlock his potions labs forces him to take a break and much-needed rest.

She wonders if he already arrived, she feels his soul in this new time. Her mind drifts to her new parents soon after as a newborn, they welcomed her into this new world as her new parents with nothing but love and affection.

Atie felt strange at her new situation, being a baby again was weird, for lack of better words. They were always there to hold me, feed me, and make sure she was comfortable. As months flowed by, Atie grew older, her new parents continued to provide her with everything she ever wished for or ever needed. This new environment left her fuzzy and warm instead of being detached from her new parents, she decided to roll with her emotions.

Throughout Atie's first 15 months of life, she felt fortunate enough to have new parents who were always patient, kind, and understanding. Atie's previous life was filled with hardships from infancy to adulthood until she met Sal, she never experienced love but happy things never last as she soon met her demise.

It felt nice to have loving parents and uncles. Uncle Padfoot and Uncle Mooney were very nice, and Uncle Peter is very kind if not a bit timid, she felt a future betrayal of him but she understands the desire to live, and she can't despise him for it, as he would be the one to face the consequences of his choices. And after all, he is a rat animagus, which symbolises his will to survive above all else.

Atie remembers all the fun times they had together, from playing with toys to going on walks around the house. They always made sure I was entertained, but also challenged me to learn new skills and develop my abilities.

Despite Lily, her new mother kept getting angry at them for making a huge mess around the house, one can't help but see the fond smile she has when she thinks no one is looking.Looking back, Atie will always be grateful for the happiness I shared with them. She will just make the most of the situation before they leave to beyond the world of living and join Death's embrace.

She is going to turn 15 months soon, she can see her new parents' time running out, soon she will be the last on the Potter linage left, interesting enough Sirius Orion Black, her Uncle Padfoot is also her blood adopted Father.

She will probably stay with him after her parent's death but knowing a lemon sucking goat as her new family mentioned a couple of times, he will definitely try to make her life harder than it should be . She will probably deal with this later, as naptime awaits, as her damn baby body making her sleep so much.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2023 ⏰

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