Chapter One

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I never thought today would be different, quite the opposite really. My parents were already gone, having firmly instructed me to lock the house after I left and not to invite anyone over. Getting dressed quickly I practically threw my toast in the toaster before I refilled my bearded dragon's food. Giving him a quick pet I grabbed my bag and ran out to quickly grab my toast and butter it before racing out the door and hopping onto my bike. I had promised Naruto that I'd help him with his biology paper. At least with finding reliable sources and citing them correctly. Orochimaru could be really strict when it comes to these assignments and I don't want Naruto to suffer. Peddling as fast as I could I raced towards the school.
I nearly hit Naruto as he ran in front of the school to meet me. As he talked my ear off about what he found so far I guided my bike into the bike rack and clipped on the lock. His wolfish grin grew even bigger as I pulled the print out sheet of reliable sources he could use and examples on how to properly cite them into his paper.

"Hey Riley since it's Friday why don't you stay over for the night. My parents wouldn't mind and I'm sure your parents wouldn't either dattebayo." He told me as we walked to Iruka sensei's class.

"Sure Naruto, I could use the company. Dad's pulling a twenty-four hour shift and mom is staying in the office until tomorrow night because of an upcoming trial. They left money for food so we could order pizza if it's allowed. I'll just have to drop off my bag and ensure Toothless's heat lamps are switched to the automatic timer and pack an overnight bag, then I'll bike over there." I told him, overjoyed at the opportunity to not be alone.

"Riley you don't have to bike that long, my dad wouldn't mind taking you to your house to grab your things." Naruto said.

"I'm not going to do that, don't worry. Besides biking is good exercise and it gives me an advantage in the gym when Gai sensei has us running laps, especially since I'm human." I told him.

"We just don't want you to be alone. My mom knows how many hours your dad works and she knows he goes out of his way to request longer hours on the weekend. The same goes for your mom. You don't deserve that." Naruto argued.

"I know but this gives me the opportunity to clear my head and think out how I can tackle any assignments." I replied.

"Seriously. What excuse is that? You have every assignment done in each class before the weekend starts, not including work given on Friday or projects." Kiba butted in knocking Naruto out of the way. " I still don't have a f***ing clue as to how you can understand what Orochimaru is teaching but the second Iruka sensei starts up on Algebra or something like that then you're just as clueless as the rest of us. Except Shikamaru though, that guy is on a whole other level of crazy he's just too lazy to put it to good use."

"In my defense how can that kind of math help us if neither of us intend to work in a field that requires it." I countered.

"Because none of you know what you want to do right now, it could very well be in those fields." Iruka sensei answered, scaring the wits out of us all. "Now come on get to class before the bell."

We all took off like cockroaches in the light after he told us that. The last thing I need is a phone call to either of my parents telling them I was late. I already heard enough from my dad whenever I had less than an A in math but an A plus in biology. I barreled into Kiba to get into my seat, for a werewolf he's clumsy as f**k, so is Naruto though and his dad is the king of werewolves. I veered sharply out of the way when I almost crashed into Gaara, despite him being tolerant towards me I would rather not push my luck in falling on him. Naruto and Kiba don't mind roughhousing since that's their personality, Gaara on the other hand is a vampire and his temper is terrifying. When I get to my seat I apologize for what almost happened. He only nods before ignoring me. I pull out my textbook and the sheets of paper needed for Algebra or hell as I like to call it.
As the bell rang for the end of school I heard Naruto practically cheer in delight. Packing my things away I headed for the door. In the corner of my eye I saw Naruto talking to Hinata and I couldn't help but laugh at the scene. Naruto was too oblivious sometimes. Walking out of the school I hopped onto my bike and pedaled off checking over the list in my head of things I had to do. Sakura and Ino offered me a ride home but I turned them down. The way home was smooth and I didn't have trouble. The breeze was nice as I gave myself some speed.
When I reached home I quickly rigged Toothless's automatic timer for his heat lamps, packed an overnight bag and grabbed the envelope of money that was left for me. Opening the fridge I hoped there was something quick to eat before my bike ride but of course there was nothing but bottled water and leftover take out from the hospital or vending machines.
Letting out a sigh, I grabbed a water bottle, put my headphones in and started the way to Naruto's house. Halfway there and it was starting to get dark. Against my better judgement I decided to take a short cut through a dirt road. The sunset was beautiful as the rays began disappearing over the hills. I spaced out on my surroundings focusing solely on the road. One moment I was having a great time the next I was sailing through the air. I landed hard on my arms and head in the dirt and wheezed when I heard something snap. The pain was searing, as I choked back a sob from how much it hurt. I couldn't move, in the corner of my vision I could see people stepping out of the car that hit me. One was a werewolf, two were vampires. The werewolf walked up to me and looked down
"She'll do." He said, his eyes frightened me. Like chips of jagged ice staring straight into me, too scared to move. Why can't I run?
He struck my head and my vision went black.
Naruto was worried. Riley was never this late for anything and she especially was never late when she told him she'd arrive at a certain time. He received no call or text and he wasn't able to see her leave, he wanted to talk with Hinata and even though Sakura and Ino said that they had seen her ride home he was still worried. His mother told him not to worry but her eyes said differently. After another hour had passed Minato had enough and called in a favor to Fugaku asking him to keep an eye out for the teen.
Konoha citizens had woken to a shocking revelation in the morning news. A jogger in the middle of a run had come across an abandoned bicycle and a crushed phone in a ditch. Fearing the worst, he called Konoha's police force, they arrived quicker than expected. They couldn't find anything but the scent of unknown vampires and a werewolf. They could only fear the worst. Naruto and Kiba were affected the most. Putting up missing person posters everywhere after printing them out, nearly everyone had joined in the search. Sakura, Ino and Hinata took to the stores tapping the posters in each one. Choji and Shikamaru tapped them in restaurants. Sasuke posted them all over the police headquarters, but no new leads surfaced.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2023 ⏰

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