Chapter 1

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Dr Fayrouz Khalid was a skilled scientist in Iraq and she had two children who were actually just androids that she made to cope with the divorce of her stupid ex husband Rafid (lame) and one day she decided she wanted extra some extra money so she sold Tamari (INFERIOR CHILD) to a group of ravaging fans who really like Tamari for some reason (Also Tamaris way better sister Mariyam is distraught because her brother was sold off to crazy people)

When Tamari arrives they start crying and you try to comfort them and they just keep crying because they have horrible mommy issues and was just sold off to a bunch of strangers but you hug them and they stop crying because they're touch starved as fuck

"Wow thank you so much y/n... cant believe I finally get to be with someone who really cares about me" Tamari sobbed and held on tight while you tried to comfort them

"It's no big deal Tamari I just really love you a lot and-" you start to tell them but they interrupt you

"How much did my mother sell me for anyways?" Tamari asked and you just giggle not knowing whether to tell the truth or not

"Uhh I think its best if you didnt know" you respond embarrassed by how you spent your entire life savings on Tamari just because you really like them a lot and would have done anything to be with them

Tamari (and Mariyam) x Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن