Chapter 1

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“Do you enjoy the ocean?”

Jotaro was taken from the mesmerizing exhibit of coral by a voice at his left. He glanced toward the voice and was met by vibrant lavender eyes. They reminded him of some of the coral he’d studied on a dive during his previous semester.

He fought to respond but those eyes held him captive for long seconds and the only sound he could make was a slow, “Uhhh…”

The corners of the eyes crinkled in amusement and the man next to Jotaro chuckled softly.

The sound was enough to jumpstart Jotaro’s brain and he shook his head slightly before pulling his hat down to hide his embarrassment.

“Um. Yeah. I do. I’m studying to be a Marine Biologist .” he said a bit to quickly. He slowly peeked out from under his hat at the stranger, slightly more prepared for the piercing gaze he knew would be waiting.

The man tilted his head to the side and smiled brightly. He seemed…odd to Jotaro. Not in a bad way, not really. His eyes were alight with such curiosity and wonder.

Jotaro took a moment to look him over and his brain nearly short-circuit again. Aside from the unusual eye color, the mans hair was such a shocking shade of red, Jotaro couldn’t help but assume it was dyed. Though the color certainly suited the man as he was far past handsome, more beautiful than anything. He had pale skin with a slight dusting of freckles over his nose and cheeks. Despite his slender frame, Jotaro could see he was well muscled across his chest and arms. He had a tiny waist, Jotaro was sure he could completely encircle that waist with his hands, that led down to…

“Do you always stare at people like that?” The man asked curiously.

“I…umm. No. I’m not. I just…”

The man chuckled again and held out a hand.

“I’m Noriaki.”

Absently, Jotaro shook the offered hand, “Jotaro…”

“It’s nice to meet you, Jotaro…”




A sound crashed through Jotaro’s dreams, startling him awake. He reached over and slapped his alarm before wiping away the now common moisture from his eyes that he refused to call tears.

He took a deep breath, opened his eyes and looked to the other side of his king bed, a small bud of hope still struggling to grow in his chest.

Aside from himself, the bed remained empty. Just as it had for nearly a year now.

Just as it had since the day his Noriaki went missing.

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