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Chiara's POV

As the plane descended, I gazed out the window, my heart fluttering with excitement and apprehension. The familiar sense of eagerness mingled with unease; a paradox that had accompanied me on countless journeys before. The towering skyscrapers of Japan's Hyogo Prefecture appeared, a reminder that I was about to embark on another adventure in my life.

I'm Chiara Hirugami, known to the world as one of the top aces in volleyball, a model, a piano virtuoso, and an academic achiever. My high IQ earned me straight A's, but it also bestowed upon me a reputation for being aloof and cold. The truth is, my guarded demeanor was forged from a painful past, one that still haunts me to this day.

Deep down, I am a softie, but only those close to me know the warmth that lies beneath the icy exterior. They know that behind the walls I've erected, I am a slave to mysophobia, a crippling fear of germs that I carefully conceal from the prying eyes of the world.

As the plane touched down, the weight of expectation and anxiety lifted slightly. I gathered my belongings and headed towards the exit. Upon arrival, an Uber was already waiting to assist me with my luggage. The driver offered a kind smile, unaware of my inner turmoil.

As we navigated through the bustling streets of Hyogo, my phone rang, displaying my brother Sachiro's name. I answered the call, and his voice filled my ear with affectionate concern.

["Sachiro! Yes, I landed safely," ]I replied, trying to sound composed. ["The flight was fine. You don't have to worry so much."]

["I know, I know,"he chuckled, "but you're my little sister, and I can't help but worry. Are you on your way to the hotel now?"]

I glanced out the window, ["Yes, I am. The Uber driver has been helpful."]

["Good, good,"] Sachiro said, relief evident in his voice. ["Once you're settled, give me a call. I want to make sure you're comfortable and have everything you need."]

["I will," I promised, appreciating his protectiveness. "I'll call you later when everything's arranged."]

The conversation ended, and I looked out at the vibrant cityscape, ready to face whatever lay ahead. I knew that despite the challenges that awaited me, I had my talents, my resilience, and my brother's unwavering support to guide me through this new chapter of my life in Japan.

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