The attack

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On the outskirts of Carmarthen sat a small family house a place, a young married couple and two children called their home.
Lyall Lupin was a tall lanky man with a long neck and dark eyes he worked for the Ministry of magic within the department of regulation and control of magical creatures. While Lyall went on an expedition to investigate Bogerts, near his hometown of Temby, he rescued a sweet muggle girl who was the daughter of the local baker Hope howel. Hope was very petite unlike Lyall who stood at 6 foot four hope only stood at 5 foot one. The couple fell in love and got married in the summer of 1959. They welcomed their first child on the 10th of March 1960. He would be called Remus John Lupin they had their second child not long after on 14th of August 1961, a beautiful girl that would be called Rayna Hope Lupin.

On the 21st of September 1964, two children slept peacefully in Remus Lupin's room earlier that night Rayna had woken up complaining to her brother of a nightmare about a big beast, coming in and attacking her. Remus felt for a sister. She always had trouble falling asleep. He decided to let her sleep in his bed, just this once she was only three after all. As the children slept  a dark beast, with yellow glowing eyes, tracked their sent to the small family house outside of Carmarthen. The creature wanted the little girl he could smell, imagine, turning Lyall, Lupin little princess into a disgusting ranging monster. The creature sneaked into the house through the window in Raynas bedroom and walked across the hall into Remus's bedroom with the two children slept peacefully. The beast could barely control himself, giddy with excitement of the pain and suffering he was about to cause to the Lupin family. the beast groweled quietly, waiting for the right moment to pounce ontop of the little girl. Well, the monster waited Rayna started to stuer awake, she shook her brother awake "did you hear that I think I heard something Remus" "go back to sleep" It's nothing as the word left Remus Lupin's mouth the monster jumped onto the bed, waiting to suck his fangs into his prey. The monster was fast, but Remus was faster, pushing his sister off the bed, just-in-time, but it was too late for him the beast sucked his fans into the poor boys hip. Remus screamed and shouted tears pouring down the boys face. His sister also screaming on the floor. "Mummy daddy help screen!" the little girl. Lyall run into the room, wand at the ready as he saw the werewolf he knew was Fenrir greyback on top of his son greyback took one look at Lyall jump through the window, Howalled at the silver moon in the sky before running  away from the little home. Hope ran into the room, holding her cry and son "hope we have to take us to Saint Mungo's now" Lyall voice was shaky. He would blame himself, the rest of his life, Lyall grab the boy and hold him tightly in his arms. Hope run to her daughter, picked her up, kissed on the head, took Lyall hand in they dissaprated to the wizard in hospital.

when they arrive, Lyall screaming, for healers to come and help his son and daughter the man had no colour to his face. His voice was shaky. He was riddled with guilt, hope cried silent tears trying to comfort her children. Within two minutes healers were running around the little family, taking the children to bed to check them over trying to do anything but everyone in that room knew it was too late for Remus the child was now infected with lycanthropy it was explained to his family about the painful transformations he would have to go through every month that he would never have a job never be able to attend Hogwarts. He also had a serious broken hip and nerve damage from the bite. His life was over at four years old. Rayna was left pretty much unharmed. The only evidence she was in the room was the little cut across her neck down to her chest. The healer said she would be able to cover it up with make up when she is older. She will have no long lasting affects. Both the children may suffer with nightmares after the horrific attack. Rayna stayed in Saint Mungo's for two days. All of the staff were telling her how brave she was. She didn't feel very brave. She let her brother be attacked by a monster. She would never forgive herself for this. Remus had to stay in Saint mungos for a month. He was locked in a cage for his first transformation, where the doctor could study him as they have never seen someone this young infected.

Almost six years later, Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, showed up at the little house outside of Carmarthen to give a letter to little 11-year-old Remus. Hope did what she always did with guests make too much tea and bring out baked good she spent yesterday making. She told the children to be on their best behaviour as this was an important visit for Remus's future Lyall sat down with the old wizard talking about how smart his son is and  he  wished he could attend Hogwarts, but his condition made it difficult. For the first time since Remus was bitten. They finally had help from Dumbledore Dumbledore said to Lyall that help will always be given at Hogwarts to those who asked for it and Remus's condition shouldn't stop him from attending school like any other young wizard his age. Remus and Rayna were listening just outside the door. Remus gave his sister a look to say don't get your hopes up. Remus was used to be a let down by people within the wizarding world. He was happy being homeschooled, he didn't have many friends, but he always had his books, he enjoyed helping his mother bake in the bakery his grandad owned. lying down in the field, just opposite their home reading a muggle book. "I believe the boy should have a say" Dumbledore said to the parentsHope had stayed quiet for the whole conversation "Remus Rayna come into the living room please" the children heard their Mothers voice and went straight into the living room and Remus wouldn't look at the old man with the half moon spectacles he didn't want to get his hopes up. He didn't want to get disappointed. "Mr Lupin Would you like to come and study at Hogwarts witchcraft and wizardry" Remus's face lit up like a Christmas tree at that question "I would love to", Remus started playing with the hem of his jumper "I am unable to my condition makes it difficult to do things" Remus spoke so quietly that he was sure no one heard him "I am aware of your condition Remus, there is a matron at the school known as Miss Pomphrey she has been studying on how to best help you. We have also started building a shack where you will be able to go once a month you will not put yourself or anyone in any danger I can assure you" Dumbledore did his best to reassure the young big. For the second time during this conversation, his mother spoke up. "I think he should go" she took a deep breath before continuing "it be good for him to go and spend time with children his own age make friends socialise get an education". "Yes I agree hope however, won't people notice that Remus is gone once a month we don't want, people knowing it will make his life harder" Lyall replied to his wife.Rayna couldn't hold her tongue any longer "Remus deserves the same opportunity as everyone else I mean, I would miss him of course but he deserves this more than anyone"Remus gave his sister half smile "Dad is right people will notice I don't want to draw attention to myself" Dumbledore placed his cup of tea on the coffee table in front of him before turning to Remus "Mr Lupin with the cautions we have put in place. No one will notice. If you feel well enough, you can still go to your lessons the day after the full moon" Dumbledore stood up, handed a letter to the young boy, I believe you need this, it has your reading list and everything you will need before starting school.  Lyall stood up, shook Dumbledore's hand firmly "thank you You have no idea how much this means to him how much this means to all of us" Rayna has never heard her dads voice so shaky. Dumbledore looked at the young boy, and said "help will always be given at Hogwarts to those who ask for it if you need my help Remus, I want you to come directly to me". The old man bid his goodbyes to the two young children and their parents before walking out the front door, and with a pop, he was gone.

It took 10 days a lot of shouting before the Lupin family agreed to send Remus to Hogwarts. The next few months were spend with trips to diagonally to pick up Remus' school supplies. During these trips Rayna felt a little jealous of her brother of course she always thought no one deserves this more then him but a part of her wanted to go with it not to protect him from anything that could go wrong then to learn magic herself. Remus always told her she would have her letter when she turned 11 and she couldn't wait for that day. September 1st came faster than anyone thought it would. The family made their way to London all together the day before on the muggle train. They decided to stay in a hotel near King's Cross for the night and go home after they dropped Remus off. Remus had never been a confident, boy, always second-guessing himself had never been as terrified as he was now. He didn't help that it was only two days until the full moon, and he wasn't feeling his best. After many cwatches from his mother he was feeling a little better his mother always said everyone can hug but only the Welsh can cwatch. Rayna held onto her brother for what seemed a life time. "Come on boy you have a train to get on" Lyall was never one for affection or showing his children how much he cared not like their mother he pulled Rayna off Remus and pushed him towards the train. Rayna felt tears prick her eyes threatening to spill, she clung to her mothers hand as the red steam train j pulled out of the station. All she had to was wait a year for her turn to join him.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2023 ⏰

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