Chapter 1

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Muzan POV-

I wake up in a white room. The colour is everywhere. I am then picked up and Im staring at a woman with green hair. "Welcome to the world my Izuku." She says in a tone so soft and sweet and filled with love. I try to speak, to tell this woman I'm not this Izuku she speaks of. That I am the great demon lord MUZAN KIBUTSUJI!!! "

Nothing comes out??? This can't be happening. I can't be a child, why can't I change form? I scream in out rage. "There, there it's ok Izuku mommy's here. There's no need to cry." She says and starts rocking me in her arms. It's... soothing, in a strange way. I don't remember much of my childhood in my first life. I've always been Muzan Kibutsuji. I stop crying yet this woman... no mother, keeps rocking me. My eyelids grow heavy and I slowly drift into the darkness known as sleep. But before I do, one thought lingers in my head. Maybe this new life wont be that bad.

Time skip 4 years-

4 Years have passed since my reincarnation. I am still unable to transform into my original body, but I can still feel my demonic power flowing through my veins. I am somewhat resistant to the sun but not completely. If  I'm in the sun too long my skin starts to burn and turn red, and I do not want to find out if I'll die. I doubt that I'll get lucky to be reincarnated for a second time.

I've learnt mother's name... Inko Midoriya. A beautiful name. I love her dearly and would do anything for her. My name in this world is Izuku Midoriya. Not the best but it was chosen by mother so I'll except it. Mother is friends with a blonde haird  woman named Mitsuki Bakugo. Mother tried to get me to play with her son Katsuki Bakugo. To be honest, I have no interest in entertaining this child. But it makes mother happy so I'll just suck it up.

"Oi, Deku look I just got my quirk." Katsuki says while small pops come from his hands. "I told you Katsuki don't call me that. It's either Izuku or if you want to call me by a nickname, it's Muzan. "Meh, I do what I want, and when are you to get your quirk?" He says while trying to tug off the hood of my cloak. It seems in this world, humans have evolved into having super powers. These super powers can be almost anything, from being able to change your hair and eye colour, to having super strength like the number 1 hero All Might. "It doesn't matter when my quirk comes in or not. Unlike you who wants to become a hero, I'd rather live a peaceful life. AND WOULD YOU STOP TRYING TO REMOVE MY HOOD! IT'S STARTING TO BECOME ANYOING AND I REALLY DON'T WANT TO BURN!!!" I screamed. Everyone is silent in surprise that the normally quiet boy got mad.

"I'm sorry mam but your son is quirkless." The doctor says in a soft tone so as not to hurt my fellings. Frankly, I don't care... I mean I'm the great demon lord Muzan Kibutsuji. I don't need some quirk. "But how, both me and his father have quirks?" My mother says in a shaky voice. "May I know what are your quirks mam?" The doctor asks. "Yes, mine is a weak telekinesis and his father could breath fier." She informs the doctor. "Well you see... he pauses while showing us 2 x-rays... as you can see mis Midoriya the foot on the left is an x-ray of someone with a quirk, they have only 1 joint there pinky toe. While Izuku has 2." The doctor continues to explain to mother how quirks develop in children.

Ahahahaha... gahahahgaha.

Laughter fills the class room. The teacher just reviled that I also plan on going to U.A high school as well as Katsuki. "Midoriya's just a quirkless loser hah." "Yeah, no way they'd let a creep like him in." I hear some of them say. Oh these poor fools, I have no desire to be a hero. "Deku you basturd, you think your quirkless ass is on my level!? You think that you can compete with me!? Huh!? Katsuki shouts while let off an explosion on my desk. "No I don't. You should know this by now. I never wanted to be a hero and I never will." I say while standing up and towering over the blonde. "Tch, whatever." He scoffs and gets back into his seat.

The bell rings for the end of the day a Katsuki stomps over to my desk. "We ain't done here Deku!" He screams much to my annoyance. "I told you, my name is Izuku or Muzan." I growled. "Don't even think about applying to U.A. I'm the only one who is worthy from this shity school to go there!" He screams and stomps away. "Yeah Deku, stay out of our way." One of Katsuki's lapdogs says while grabbing one of my notebooks and tossing it out an open window. He is a fat boy with red bat like wing protruding from his back. I think his name was Tsubasa.'T!!! I'M NOT GOING TO LET THAT SLIDE!!!

Tsubasa's POV-

I was on my way home from midnight walk I like to take when I felt like I was being followed. I started to walk, I'm still being followed. I break into a sprint. I keep running and running in hopes to loose whoever is following me. I dip into an alley to catch my breath. "I think I lost him." I say while gasping for air. "Oh you poor fool, did you actually think that you could outrun me." I hear someone say while chuckling. I look up only to see...Deku?

"Oi Deku! What's wrong with you, you creepy stalker! I shouted. I was about to walk up to the tall quirkless basturd and punch him, but he suddenly appears right in front of me and punches me in the gut sending me flying into a wall.

Muzan(Deku) POV-

The brat hits the wall and shrieks in pain. I walk towards him slowly, I really want to enjoy killing this fool. "Deku wait, I'm sorry ok I won't mess with you again I promise!" He say while crying his eyes out in pain and fear. I raise my index finger to my lips and let out a soft "shhhh... this is going to hurt you alot more than it's going to hurt me." I say as my fingernail turns purple and grows into a sharp point. "Please don't hurt me." The boy crys out. I put my finger to his forehead... and plunge my finger through his head. His veins turn black  from where my finger is and it spreads throughout his body. Eventually he pops like a blood balloon, getting blood all over my cloak. "I better get home and clean up before mother wakes up. With all this blood she'd only assume the worst.

That's it for this chapter. If you enjoyed it please vote and check out my other fanfics and please check out my YouTube channel Kazuha fanfic.

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