Meeting her

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Addison pov 

I got a call from Richard a few days ago asking me to come down and work at his hospital witch was perfect because I need an excuse to visit Derek. I've been calling him but he's been ignoring me, he's probably with some girl, I know our marriage is pretty much over but I really just want to talk to see if maybe I can fix this...tho deep down a part of me doesn't want to and I'm not really sure why? When the plane lands its night but Derek is most likely at the hospital, so I decide to go. when I first walk in immediately I see is Derek looking at some young girl she has long dirty blond hair she looks over and gives me this smile it's pretty but Derek looks over to me. Our eyes meet he looks back to the girl and I start walking over. "Addison what are you doing here?" he says clearly pissed, he has his hand on the girls arm and as he speaks his grip tightens and I see her wince but I deside to ignore it. "You would know if you ever bothered to pick up any one of my calls" I say turning to look at the girl. "Hi I'm Addison Shepherd" "S-Shepherd?" she looks so lost did she not knowWHAT EVER! I don't care "And you must be the woman who's been sewing my husband" I state coldly.Her eyes go wide and looks between me and Derek I want for one of them to speak but she just winces, Derek's grip clearly hurting her I look at him and oh my god if looks could kill! All he does is scoff and roll his eyes, "we're done here". As he dragged the girl away I could see this look of fear In her eyes.I see them disappear into the parking lot I decide to just shake it off and go to see Richard. I walk into Richard's office and once he sees me he gets up and hugs me and asks how the plane ride was and if I had had any trouble finding the hospital. "yes and no the hospital was super easy to find. And I meet the woman my husband is screwing, she seems a little young is she an intern?

 Richard looks down and says listen I know you're mad but Meredith is a good kid she didn't know he was married please don't take your anger out on her and yes she is an intern. The look in his eyes tells me he cares a lot for this young intern.

"well I'm tired I will see you tomorrow for work" and we say our goodbyes. As I'm getting settled into the bed at the hotel my mind keeps replaying the fact Meredith's smile never reached her eyes, how she never told Derek to let go when he was squeezing her arm too hard and how when she found hot her was married she just kept her head down when she was clearly hurt and how scared she looked while leaving and how she said one word during the entire interaction between us. I decided that tomorrow was a fresh start between the intern and I. If she was anything like Richard described she would be very useful on my service so I had already made up my mind. I was immediately going to request her on my service. I'm intrigued to find out more about the timid intern. That was my last thought as my head hit the pillow.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------So ive written before but this is my first ever real fanfiction so constructive criticism is completely welcomed. A big thanks to @marriedtomeddison who helped with the spelling mistakes/grammar she edited this for me she is so amazing she has a few stories ples go check them out! 🙏

Word count:655

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