Mirth After Lies

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Deryn stared up at the full moon, hands gripping the railing of the balcony of the air beast.

Finally, she mustered up her courage, and looked at Alek.

"Alek?" She said softly. Her body was facing Alek now, only her right hand remaining on the railing.

"What is it, Dylan? Are you alright?" He looked over at her, his face illuminated by ghastly moonlight.

"There's something you don't know about me," she hesitated, "I'm a girl."

Alek stared and her, then he began to...


"Alek?" Deryn said, puzzled. It was futile, however. He had doubled over in laughter, mirth sparkling in his eyes.

A few moments later, he regained his composure, amusement still completely obvious. "So-so," he stammered, still laughing, "you're a girl? And you got snogged by Lilit? Dear God, how did you not turn green?"

Deryn cocked her head. She had expected much worse. "You're not angry at me?"

Alek looked at her, confused. "No, why would I be? It's understandable that you'd have to keep that secret. In fact— I'm glad you trust me enough to tell me."

Deryn was glad it was night because blisters, she was sure she was blushing like a school girl. "Aye, I'd trust you with my life, Alek."

"As I would trust you with mine."

"It's Deryn," she said, "my real name."

"Deryn," he echoed. Her heart skipped a beat when he said her name. "Well then, Deryn, I'm glad you've trusted me with this secret, and I swear to keep it."

"Thanks, your princeliness," she smiled at him.

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