Fallen Believe

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The New Sister was Sitting before the cross in her room praying all night long waiting for a answer of her God
Not giving in praying although she was getting sleepy from the relaxing sound if the rain outside then out of nowhere she felt a presence in the room standing behind her overtaking her body in that weak moment banishing her from her own mind sending her into a deep sleep while The Evil takes over her body
Her eyes turn into a glowing Red and Yellow while her Ears change there shape Horns grow from her head and a Tail comes out of her body and after all that her skin turns into a demonic red
Now this body became her plaything practicing Sinful Acts In The house of God mocking the Creator In any way she could come up with from turning her clothes into a twisted image of what they used to be to playing with the small cross in sinful ways soon attracting unwanted attention

One of the new Priests at the Church was still walking around late at night unable to sleep but while he did so he would hear strange sounds and go to investigate finding The Possessed sister in her Room Jumping on him holding him down

Mmmm~ your Smell is intoxicating so pure how could I not be tempted by this

Before he could even start to speak a prayer she would force her tongue into his mouth while removing his clothes by simply ripping them off with one hand she Keeped teasing him and dispite him fighting any temptation off his body would give in and she would regain her body more now she would use her body to take both virginity a act she quickly got through growing inpatient and just a couple minutes later it was done she would leave the body behind and escape from there going to a place more fit for her kind

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